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Specify Additional GCP Settings

< packages | cluster plan creation workflow Cluster Plan Create Additional GCP


In this section, you specify the Pod Security Standards (PSS) to enforce, along with any optional GCP-specific settings.

Pod Security Standards (PSS):

This setting enforces security policies for Kubernetes clusters. You define default and allowable standards for flexibility and compliance.

GCP-specific settings:

  • Enable HTTP Load Balancer: Automatically provision load balancers for ingress resources, simplifying external access management and ensuring efficient traffic distribution.
  • Enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaler: Automate scaling of Kubernetes workloads based on CPU, memory consumption, or custom metrics, ensuring optimal resource utilization and responsiveness to workload changes.
  • Enable Shielded Nodes: Harden GKE nodes against rootkits and bootkits by enabling Shielded Nodes, providing enhanced security and protection against various cyber threats.
  • Enable Stack Driver Logging: Centralize real-time logging and monitoring across GCP services and resources, facilitating proactive troubleshooting, compliance auditing, and performance optimization.
  • Enable Stack Driver Metrics: Monitor and visualize performance metrics in real-time, gaining insights into resource utilization, service health, and operational efficiency across GCP environments.

📚 For more details on key points, refer to the overview section.
📚 Explore the properties section for additional information on each UI property.

CLI Instructions

Create a new cluster plan

Follow the instructions in the details section.

Web Interface Instructions


  • Fill in the scope details as outlined in the properties section.
  • Click Continue to proceed


Create Cluster Plan - Additional GCP Settings Section


Enable Pod Security StandardsChoose if you want to allow privileged, baseline and restricted policies. You must select one of those policies to be the default.
Enable HTTP Load BalancerIndicates if the cluster should be configured with the GKE ingress controller.
- Enabled: GKE will auto-discover your ingress resources and provision load balancer on your behalf. Not required if another ingress controller package is used.
- Disabled: HTTP Load Balancer is disabled.
Enable Horizontal Pod AutoscalerOptions(s):
- Enabled: Allow the number of Pods to be changed dynamically e.g. in response to the workload's CPU or memory consumption.
- Disabled: Horizontal Pod Autoscaler is disabled.

For more information, see GCP's documentation.
Enable Shielded NodesOption(s):
- Enabled: Provides extra protection against a variety of attacks.
- Disabled: Shielded Nodes are disabled.

For more information, see GCP's documentation.
Enable Stack Driver LoggingOption(s):
- Enabled: Kubernetes components logs will be sent to the GCP cloud logging solution.
- Disabled: Stack Driver Logging is disabled.

For more information, see GCP's documentation.
Enable Stack Driver MetricsOption(s):
- Enabled: Metrics data produced by the Kubernetes components are forwarded to to GCP in the Kubernetes native resource model (the default for all new clusters).
- Disabled: Stack Driver Metrics are disabled.

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