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Provides the overall applicable provisioning policy for the supplied cloud and stage in this workspace



Provides the overall applicable provisioning policy for the supplied cloud and stage in this workspace


Path Parameters

    workspace stringrequired

    Workspace to use

    cloud stringrequired

    Cloud provider to get the policy for

    stage stringrequired

    Stage being used

    resourceType stringrequired

    Resource Type to get policy for


Applicable provisioning policy for the given resource type in this cloud/stage/workspace


    allowedRegions string[]

    AllowedRegions provides a list of regions in which provisioning can be done. If empty, all regions are allowed.

    cloud stringrequired

    Cloud refers to the cloud provider this policy applies to type (e.g. aws, azure, gcp)


    ClusterLimits provide specific limits for provisiong policies of resource type Cluster


    PerCluster provides limits that apply to each cluster individually.



    AllowedInstanceTypes provides the list of instance types allowed for clusters. If empty, all instance types are allowed.

  • Array [

  • instanceType stringrequired

    InstanceType is the cloud-provide-specific name of the instance type this limit applies to.

    maxNodes int64

    MaxNodes provides an optional maximum number of nodes of this type across all clusters in a workspace.

    Where auto-scaling is enabled, this applies to the maximum size of that auto-scaling configuration.

  • ]

  • costPerMonth int32

    CostPerMonth limits the maximum estimated cost (in USD) for each individual cluster under the scope of this policy.

    A standard of 30 days / 720 hours per month is assumed when validating this limit against hourly infrastructure costs.

    totalNodes int64

    TotalNodes is a limit on the total number of nodes that a cluster is allowed to be configured with.

    Where auto-scaling is enabled, this applies to the maximum size of that auto-scaling configuration.


    PerWorkspace provides limits that apply across the total set of clusters of the given cloud provider in a workspace.

    maxClusters int32

    MaxClusters provides the maximum number of clusters in a workspace.

    description string

    Description provides a short description of this policy, i.e. why it exists.

    resourceType stringrequired

    ResourceType is the type of cloud resource this policy applies to.



    Scope allows targeting of this policy to a specific or all workspaces and/or stages. If multiple policies are applicable, the most specific scoped policy that defines a limit is used. The order of specificity is as follows: 1. Any policy with the specific stage and workspace 2. Any policy with the specific workspace and all stages 3. Any policy with the specific stage and all workspaces 4. Any policy with all stages and all workspaces Where multiple policies are found at the same level of specificity, the least restrictive intersection of those will apply.

    allStages boolean
    allWorkspaces boolean
    allowedStages string[]
    allowedWorkspaces string[]