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Human Roles

By default, Wayfinder does not give static permissions to users. Instead users begin with least privilege and can request escalation to specific roles to carry out a task for a period of time. After a set period, these permissions expire and the user's access rolls back to least privilege once more.

The mechanism for users to request escalation is wf access cluster. This provides a single command to assume a role and configure kubectl to access it. This can provide temporary permissions to both clusters managed by Wayfinder and to Wayfinder itself, depending on the configuration applied by workspace owners and Wayfinder administrators.

Workspace owners can set constraints on how, when or where users can assume roles by creating access policies. For more information, see Understanding roles and access policies.


Access Tokens cannot assume roles.

Assume a role

Example use case: In this example, you're a developer who needs to debug an issue in a deployed application. To do this you must assume a role to access a cluster named eks-dev.

When operating under the default compliance package that ships with Wayfinder, all users with the user role member are permitted to assume the cluster.viewer role in a cluster.

To assume a role:

Shortcut: wf access cluster CLUSTER-NAME [NAMESPACE-NAME] --ROLE-NAME

  1. Use wf access cluster to get the privileges you need and prepare kubectl to access the cluster.

    Using wf access cluster is equivalent to using wf assume and wf kubeconfig. It will prompt you to select a cluster and a role:

$ wf access cluster
? Which role would you like to use?
▸ cluster.viewer


Provides read-only permissions to all namespaces in the workspace clusters.
This role does not provide access to sensitive data held in secrets
  1. Choose which of your clusters to access:
? Cluster in which you wish to assume cluster viewer:
▸ eks-dev

Depending on the role, other questions may be asked, such as which namespace to use for the namespace.admin role. You can provide all of these in a single line, without any prompts. For example:

$ wf access cluster eks-dev project-namespace --role cluster.viewer
◉ Waiting for role to be applied
✔ Access to cluster eks-dev with role cluster.viewer granted until: 30 Apr 21 19:48 BST
✔ Current kubectl context set to devs.eks-dev
  1. Use kubectl to access your cluster as normal. For example:
$ kubectl get pods -n project-namespace
No resources found in project-namespace namespace.

For more information on accessing clusters, see Selve-Serve Kubernetes Clusters in Wayfinder.

View permissions provided by a role

You can see role permissions either in the UI or using the CLI.

To see role permissions the Wayfinder web interface:

  1. Select Admin, and then navigate to Access > Roles

To see role permissions with the CLI:

  1. Retrieve the role detail, supplying the role name, for example, cluster.admin. Example:
➜  ~ wf get accessrole cluster.admin -o yaml
kind: AccessRole
name: cluster.admin
namespace: ws-app
clusterScope: true
description: Full cluster administration
- apiGroups:
- '*'
- '*/*'
- '*'
- '*'

List all roles that are assumable

  1. Run wf get accessroles. Example:

➜ ~ wf get accessroles
cluster.admin Full cluster administration Success Unknown 7d4h
cluster.deployment Provision standard resources for access token deployments to any namespace in a cluster Success Unknown 7d4h Unknown 7d4h
cluster.deployment-readonly Cluster-wide read access to resources required for namespace deployments using access tokens Success Unknown 7d4h
cluster.view Read-only access to standard resources, excluding secrets Success Unknown 7d4h
namespace.admin Full namespace administration Success Unknown 7d4h
namespace.daemonset Provisioning of daemonsets to a namespace for deployments using access tokens Success Unknown 7d4h
namespace.deployment Provisioning standard resources to a namespace for access token deployments Success Unknown 7d4h
namespace.edit Full access to standard resources, excluding secrets read Success Unknown 7d4h
namespace.troubleshooting Retrieve logs and exec into pods Success Unknown 7d4h
namespace.view Read-only access to standard resources, excluding secrets Success Unknown 7d4h
secrets.view View secrets Success Unknown 7d4h
➜ ~

View my assumed role sessions

To view your current role assumption sessions:

  1. Run wf sessions.

The response gives a list of active role assumptions. Example:

$ wf sessions
cluster.admin-assume-cjqjp cluster.admin 59m 2s

Like many commands in wf, if you want to see more detail, add -o yaml to understand the details of a session, such as which cluster it applies to for a cluster-based role, and what permissions are being granted.

Revoke my assumed role sessions

Sessions expire automatically, however, you can drop assumed privileges after completing a task.

To revoke your active role assumptions:

  1. Run wf sessions --revoke.

This drops all your current active role assumptions.