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Set the Credentials for the Platform Secret (AzureADClientSecret)

< Scope


You must have the AzureADClientSecret credentials and it can be generated using the Azure CLI or the Azure portal. Contact your Azure administrator for more information.

Authorise Wayfinder to access your Azure subscription using static credentials (AzureADClientSecret). Specify the Tenant ID, Client ID and Client Secret, which are secure credentials for application authentication in Azure AD / Entra.

CLI Instructions


wf create platformsecret cloudidentity azureadclientsecret NAMEOFSECRET --client-id CLIENTID --tenant-id TENANTID --client-secret CLIENTSECRET

wf create platformsecret cloudidentity azureadclientsecret mysecret4 --client-id c7b3f8d1-4b2e-4e2b-9f6d-1b2b3e7e2c7a --tenant-id 72f988bf-86f1-41af-91ab-2d7cd011db47 --client-secret 4R3r5y7u-9I8p2A1b5C6dX1z9U3t4G7w3J2k5L0mN2P3r6Q8O1
◉ Creating secret mysecret4...
✔ Platform secret mysecret4 created

Web Interface Instructions


  • Select the AzureADClientSecret option
  • Fill in the details as outlined in the Properties section
  • Click the Continue button




TypeThe type of credential to use.
- AzureADClientSecret
Tenant_idThe ID of Azure tenant this client is in
Client_idThe ID of this client
Client_secretThe Secret key for this client

What comes next?

See details for creating other Static Credential Values: