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Select the Purpose of the Platform Secret (Cloud Identity)

< General Details


Please note that when using static credentials it is less secure and we recommend that you only use it when Wayfinder is installed off-cloud in non-production environments.

Also see how to authenticate using Wayfinder's identity rather than using static credentials:

Authorise Wayfinder to access your cloud using static credentials. Wayfinder supports the following static credentials:

  • AWS: AWS IAM user key
  • Azure: Azure AD Client Secret
  • GCP: GCP Service Account Key

CLI Instructions

See the overview section for CLI details.

Web Interface Instructions


  • Select CloudIdentity (See the Properties section for details)
  • Click the Continue button


Cloud Identity Selected


PurposeThe purpose for the platform secret.
- CloudIdentity: Secret for providing access to the cloud for Wayfinder

What comes next?

See details for creating other Purposes: