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Pod / Container YAML

< shell | troubleshooting tools


Any user who has an access policy permitting the use of a role which gives them read access to the pod (such as 'namespace.view' or 'namespace.troubleshooting') can perform these steps.

Wayfinder's web interface offers easy time-bound access access to the pod's/container's yaml.

Your access to Wayfinder's troubleshooting tools is determined by both your user type and the assigned access policy as follows:

  • Pod / container yaml: Any user who has an access policy permitting the use of a role which gives them read access to the pod (such as 'namespace.troubleshooting')

The YAML is accessible in the same location as the respective log files. Simply click on the YAML tab.

Wayfinder YAML Tab

What comes next?

See how to access: