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Describe System Variables

Explore the available system variables that you can use when defining custom policies and manifests.

CLI Instructions

View first order variables

Use the wf describe vars command to list all first order system variables.

wf describe vars

.CloudAccessConfig CloudAccessConfiguration referenced by the Cluster property spec.cloudAccessConfigRef. Object
.Cluster The specific relevant cluster Object
.InstanceIdentifier Wayfinder instance identifier set on Wayfinder installation String
.Package Package resource being templated Object
.Stage Stage referenced by the Cluster property spec.stage Object
.Workspace Workspace that contains the Cluster Object

View details of a specific variable

You can view the details of a specific variable by providing the name.

wf describe vars .Cluster.Network.AWS.AccountID

AWS Account ID the network is within.

ClusterNetwork property


Usage examples

View the nested structure of all variables

You can view the nested structure by appending the --include-nested flag to the command.

wf describe vars --include-nested
Wayfinder Describe Variables

Web Interface Instructions


  • Expand Admin, and then navigate to Variables
  • Click on the name of the variable to view specific details about it.
  • Turn the Show all toggle on to see the nested structure.

Also see:

  • Properties section for details about each table column.
  • Tips section for tips about useful functionality.


  • View first order variables
View All Variables

  • View a specific variable
View a specific Variable

  • View the nested structure
View Nested Structure


NameThe name of the variable. Use the copy button to copy the variable name to clipboard.
DescriptionA description of the variable.
TypeThe variable's type.
- Boolean
- List
- Map
- Object
- String
ValueThe value of the variable once it is resolved for the context.


Here are some useful actions to know about.

  • Use the:
    • Filter field to filter the table contents to what you've specified.
    • Show all button to show the nested view of variables. This is similar to --include-nested flag in CLI.
    • Show button to see all options that are relevant to Resolving Variables.
  • Click on the:
    • Column header to sort the information in the table.
    • Variable name in blue to drill down into the nested view.

What comes next?