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Adding Users

This topic contains information on adding local users to Wayfinder and adding users (local or SSO) to workspaces.

We strongly recommend that you configure a single-sign-on (SSO) IDP so that you can avoid having to manage local user authentication in Wayfinder. See User Authentication Providers for instructions.

For information on Wayfinder's user access privileges, see User Access Privileges.

Add a local user

If you are using an SSO IDP, users in your organisation will be able to log in to Wayfinder directly.

If you are not using an SSO IDP, or want to add an additional non-SSO user, you can do this from the CLI, as shown below.

To add a local user:

  1. Run the following command to create the user:

wf create user USER-EMAIL --set-password

Add an existing user to a workspace

Use wf create member -u USER-EMAIL -w WORKSPACEID CLI command to add existing users, SSO or local, to a workspace.

To add a user using Wayfinder's web interface:

  • Select Workspaces > Your-Workspace-Name, and then navigate to Settings
  • Selec the Users tab
  • Use the Add existing Wayfinder users drop-down menu to add existing users. If the Add existing Wayfinder users drop-down menu is empty, then you have not yet added any local or SSO users to Wayfinder.
  • Use the Add group button next to the user's name to assign the user to a workspace group and by doing so, provide them with the needed permissions to access resources within the workspace.

Also see the following related topics: