Use GCP static credentials
This article covers granting Wayfinder access to an GCP project (target project) when Wayfinder is installed in GCP (home project), and you're using static credentials (GCP Service Account Key) for authentication.
Jump to the Quick Start section for steps on how to create a new GCP Cloud Access.
CLI Quick Reference
Instruction | CLI Command |
Create a workspace (only if Access Type is Kubernetes Cluster Provisioning) | wf create workspace WORKSPACE-KEY -s SUMMARY |
Create a stage (only if Access Type is Kubernetes Cluster Provisioning) | wf create stage STAGE-NAME -d DESCRIPTION |
View Cloud Access Configurations | wf get cloudaccessconfig -c CLOUD -w WORKSPACE-KEY |
Output the Cloud Access Configuration to console | wf get cloudaccessconfig CONFIG-NAME -o yaml |
Output the Cloud Access Configuration to file | wf get cloudaccessconfig CONFIG-NAME > ./PATH/TO/FILE.yaml |
Apply the Cloud Access Configuration from file | wf apply cloudaccessconfig -f ./PATH/TO/FILE.yaml |
View Cloud Permissions | wf get cloudpermissions |
View the Permissions of the specified Cloud Permission | wf describe cloudpermissions PERMISSION-NAME -c CLOUD -o JSON |
View input values for Wayfinder's terraform module | wf describe cloudaccess --cloud-identity CLOUDIDENTITY-NAME --to-cloud TARGET-CLOUD --for-type ACCESS-TYPE --for-stage STAGE-NAME --for-workspace WORKSPACE-KEY -o tfvars |
View cloud identities | wf get cloudidentities |
Output the details of the cloud identity to console | wf get cloudidentities NAME-OF-IDENTITY -o yaml |
Create a cloud identity for Wayfinder's workload identity (You only have to do this once) | wf create cloudidentity CLOUDIDENTITY-NAME --for-workload-identity |
[ADVANCED USERS] Create a Cloud Access Configuration | wf create cloudaccessconfig [flags] |
For each project that you want to connect, you need to:
- Decide what type of cloud access you need.
- Decide the scope of the cloud project (workspace and stage).
Note that some access types are designated as 'administrative' for configurations that are outside the scope of any particular workspace or stage and are intended for Wayfinder administrators. - Decide what type of authentication method you want to use. This guide outlines using static credentials (GCP Service Account Key).
- Give Wayfinder cloud permissions to access cloud resources and perform relevant tasks. At this point you need the output values from Wayfinder's terraform module or from your manual configuration.
Quick Start: Add a new GCP Cloud Access
CLI Steps
The easiest way to create a new GCP cloud access configuration is to edit an existing one.
- Copy one of the cloud access configuration (yaml) examples or output the yaml of an existing Cloud Access Configuration to file.
- Review the permissions that Wayfinder needs.
- Use Wayfinder's terraform module to configure the target subscription (or do the configuration manually).
- Apply the yaml of the Cloud Access Configuration that you've edited.
Wayfinder's Web Interface Steps
- Select Admin, then navigate to Cloud > Access.
- Select Google Cloud Platform.
- Click the Add GCP cloud access button
- You are presented with the Add GCP cloud access page. There are four main sections to complete.
1. Details Section Steps
- Enter the Details for the new cloud access.
- Enter the GCP Project ID for the GCP project that you want to give Wayfinder access to.
- Select the Access Type that this cloud access connection is for e.g., Kubernetes Cluster Provisioning

2. Scope Section Steps
- Select a workspace from the drop-down list or create a new workspace.
- Select a stage from the drop-down list or create a new stage.
The Access Type determines if the Scope section is editable or skipped. If skipped then the Scope is designated as 'Platform'.

3. Authentication Section Steps
- Select GCP Service Account Key as the Authentication Method.
- Select an Identity from the drop-down list. You can create a new identity if the drop-down list is empty or if they do not suffice.

Create a new identity
- You need to manually create a GCP Service Account Key in Google Cloud. After you've created this identity, return to Wayfinder's web interface and follow the steps below.
- In Wayfinder's Web Interface:
- Select the +Identity button. A new modal opens.
- Fill in the details of the GCP Service Account Key that you created in Google Cloud. See the Authentication section for a description of each field.
- Click on the Validate button so that Wayfinder can verify that it can access the Google Project using that identity.
- You will not be able to proceed until all the validation passed.

You'll be able to proceed once all validation passed.

4. Permission Section Steps
You need to either run Wayfinder's terraform module to set up the needed cloud configuration in the target project or manually do the configuration. The right-hand panel will provide the needed input values for Wayfinder's terraform module.
- Select the ClusterManager's Configure button.
- Paste in the GCP Service Account Email you configured in the target project. If you used Wayfinder's terraform module then it will be one of the output values.
- Click the Validate button. You need to resolve any error messages before you can continue.
- Repeat the steps above for DNSZoneManager and NetworkManager. Available roles depend on the Access Type you selected.

Paste in the GCP Service Account Email of the Cluster Manager role you configured manually or by using Wayfinder's terraform module. The permissions that the role needs is listed. Resolve any error messages.

You will only be able to continue once all the errors are resolved.

You can continue to the summary section once all validation passed.

5. Summary Section Steps
- Verify that all the details are correct.
You will not be able to apply the configuration if any of the validations failed.

6. YAML Section Steps
- Press the Apply button to apply the configuration.
- Alternatively, download the YAML and apply it using Wayfinder's CLI or your CI pipeline.
GCP Cloud Access Properties
The following sections outline the properties that you'll need to connect your cloud project to Wayfinder. These properties are mirrored in the corresponding CRD manifests (in YAML format) generated by Wayfinder. CLI users can refer to the information in this section to understand how the settings from Wayfinder's web interface correlate with the respective YAML files.
Refer to the previous section for the quick start steps on how to add a new GCP Cloud Access.
Details Section Properties
This section specifies the general properties and access type for the GCP Project you're adding.
Field | Description |
Name | The name of this cloud connection |
Description | A meaningful description for this cloud connection |
GCP Project ID | Specify the GCP Project ID that you're connecting to. |
Access Type | The type of automation Wayfinder should provide. Option(s):
Each cloud project you connect is for the purpose of one of the 'Cloud Access Type' and each will have a different scope.
Scope Section Properties
When you've selected the Access Type as 'Kubernetes Cluster Provisioning', you need to set the scope to control where you want to provide the access to. This section is not visible for other Access Types.
What is the difference between a workspace and a stage?
- A workspace is where teams provision and manage applications, environments, clusters, and cloud resources.
- A stage is used to isolate and test resources at the infrastructure level such as production or development.
What is 'platform' scope?
Access types that are designated as 'platform' are for configurations that are outside the scope of any particular workspace or stage and are intended for the use by Wayfinder administrators.
Access Type | Description | Scope |
Kubernetes Cluster Provisioning | Used for creating, updating and managing Kubernetes, cluster networking and workspace scoped DNS records for applications. | Workspace and Stage |
DNS Provisioning | Used for managing a top-level domain, so that Wayfinder can create sub domains within it that are delegated to workspace clusters. | Platform |
Peering | Used for peering automation. Wayfinder can accept peering requests enabling connectivity between Wayfinder provisioned Kubernetes clusters and any external VPC network. | Platform |
Cost Estimates | Used for cost data retrieval in order to provide infrastructure cost estimates. | Platform |
Private Links (Azure only) | Used when Wayfinder is installed in Azure, and you need to grant it access to a private cluster within a private virtual network (VNet) | Platform |
Create a new workspace
You can create a new workspace if the existing ones don't meet your needs.
Field | Description |
Select workspace | The workspace that can use this cloud account. |
-- New workspace (button) | Creates a new workspace. |
--- Name | The name for the new workspace. |
--- Description | Meaningful description for this workspace. |
--- Key | Unique 3-5 character identifier for the new workspace. |
CLI Examples
Create a workspace
FORMAT: wf create workspace WORKSPACE-KEY -s SUMMARY
wf create workspace sand -s "My sandbox workspace"
◉ Waiting for resource "" to provision (background with ctrl-c)
✔ Successfully provisioned the resource: "sand"
Create a new stage
You can create a new stage if the existing ones don't meet your needs.
Field | Description |
Select stage | The stage that can use this cloud account. |
-- New stage (button) | Creates a new stage. |
--- Name | The name for the new stage. |
--- Description | Meaningful description for this stage. |
CLI Examples
Create a stage
~ wf create stage nonprod -d "non production stage"
✔ Successfully requested the resource ""
✔ Successfully created the stage
Authentication Section Properties
This section specifies the properties to authenticate your Wayfinder instance with your cloud project.
Field | Description |
Authentication method | The method in which Wayfinder will authenticate itself to the project. Option(s): - Using static credentials -- GCP Service Account Key --- This method uses static credentials. You can choose an identity from the drop-down list or create a new identity. - Authenticating without credentials -- For more information see 'Using Wayfinder's identity'. |
Identity | This option is only available when you use credential-based authentication Choose a role-based or user-based identity from the drop-down list |
- New identity (button) | Creates a new role-based or user-based identity (when existing identities doesn't meet your needs) |
-- Name | Name of the new identity |
-- Cloud | The cloud in which the identity will be created (read-only value). Value(s): - GCP |
-- Type | The type of identity to create. Option(s): - GCP Service Account Key (Read-only value) |
-- Service Account Email | Value of the service account email e.g., |
-- Service Account Key | Value for the service account key (JSON format) |
CLI Examples
Use wf create cloudidentity CLOUDIDENTITY-NAME
with the --gcp-service-account-key-file KEY-ID --secret-file SECRET-FILE-NAME -c CLOUD
flags to create the cloud identity.
wf create cloudidentity wf-gcp1-static --gcp-service-account-key-file --secret-file cred-wf-gcp-static -c gcp
Permissions Section Properties
This section specifies the properties that grants the necessary permissions to Wayfinder. These permissions allow Wayfinder to create, manage and update cloud resources in the cloud project you specified in the previous section.
Field | Description |
Cluster manager | Permissions that create and manage GKE Kubernetes clusters. |
- GCP Service Account | The value of the identity that has the needed permissions assigned. - GCP: Specify the Service Account Email in the GCP project that you're adding and that you've configured (manually or using Wayfinder's terraform module) with the cluster management permissions. |
- Necessary Permissions | JSON outlining the needed permissions for Cluster Manager. |
- Validate (button) | Verification that the needed permissions were assigned correctly. |
DNS management | Permissions that create and manage DNS Records. |
- GCP Service Account | The value of the identity that has the needed permissions assigned. - GCP: Specify the Service Account Email in the GCP project that you're adding and that you've configured (manually or using Wayfinder's terraform module) with the DNS management permissions. |
- Permissions | JSON outlining the needed permissions to manage the DNS records on a sub domain of your global DNS entry. |
- Validate (button) | Verification that the needed permissions were assigned correctly. |
Network management | Permissions that create and manage GKE cluster networks. |
- GCP Service Account | The value of the identity that has the needed permissions assigned. - GCP: Specify the Service Account Email in the GCP project that you're adding and that you've configured (manually or using Wayfinder's terraform module) with the Network management permissions |
- Permissions | JSON outlining the needed permissions. |
- Validate (button) | Verification that the needed permissions were assigned correctly. |
Summary Section Properties
Wayfinder provides you with a summary of the configuration details you've entered.
You will not be able to apply the configuration if any of the validations failed.
YAML Section Properties
You will be presented with the manifest (yaml) files for the configuration details you entered.
You have the option to apply the configuration immediately by clicking the Apply button, or to download the YAML so that you can apply it later using Wayfinder's CLI or your CI system.
The following YAML files are produced:
Only shown when you create a new workspace.
kind: Workspace
name: sand
description: sandbox
key: sand
summary: sandbox for dev
resourceNamespace: ''
Only shown when you create a new stage.
kind: Stage
name: nonprod
displayName: nonprod
description: non production stage for dev
Cloud Identity
Only shown when you create a new GCP Service Account Key. Wayfinder's web interface will redact the secret values. When you click the Apply button Wayfinder will create a Kubernetes secret. If you are applying this manually, then you need to create the Kubernetes secret yourself.
kind: CloudIdentity
name: wf-gcp1-static
namespace: ws-admin
cloud: gcp
type: GCPServiceAccountKey
service_account_key: redacted
Cloud Access Configuration
The type of manifest depends on the Access Type you've selected.
- Provisioning
- DNS Zone Management
- Network Peering
- Cost Estimates
kind: CloudAccessConfig
name: gcp-test1-static
cloud: gcp <-- Cloud Wayfinder is connecting from
name: wf-gcp1-static <-- Identity Wayfinder is connecting with
project: project1-devtest
type: NetworkPeering <-- Note the type
name: cloudidentity-gcp
- gcpServiceAccount: <-- The gcp service account that the terraform module returned or your manual configuration
permission: ClusterManager
- gcpServiceAccount: <-- The gcp service account that the terraform module returned or your manual configuration
permission: DNSZoneManager
- gcpServiceAccount: <-- The gcp service account that the terraform module returned or your manual configuration
permission: NetworkManager
stage: nonprod
kind: CloudAccessConfig
name: gcp-test1-static
cloud: gcp <-- Cloud Wayfinder is connecting from
name: wf-gcp1-static <-- Identity Wayfinder is connecting with
project: project1-devtest
type: DNSZoneManagement <-- Note the type
- gcpServiceAccount: <-- The gcp service account that the terraform module returned or your manual configuration
permission: DNSZoneManager
stage: nonprod
kind: CloudAccessConfig
name: gcp-test1-static
cloud: gcp <-- Cloud Wayfinder is connecting from
name: wf-gcp1-static <-- Identity Wayfinder is connecting with
project: project1-devtest
type: NetworkPeering <-- Note the type
- gcpServiceAccount: <-- The gcp service account that the terraform module returned or your manual configuration
permission: NetworkManager
stage: nonprod
kind: CloudAccessConfig
name: gcp-test1-static
cloud: gcp <-- Cloud Wayfinder is connecting from
name: wf-gcp1-static <-- Identity Wayfinder is connecting with
project: project1-devtest
type: CostsEstimates <-- Note the type
- gcpServiceAccount: <-- The gcp service account that the terraform module returned or your manual configuration
permission: CloudInfo
stage: nonprod
View Cloud Access Configurations
Use the wf get cloudaccessconfig
CLI command to view a list of cloud access configurations. Use the --cloud
flag to limit the results to the specified cloud provider and the -w
flag to specify the workspace.
wf get cloudaccessconfig --cloud gcp -w dmo
gcp-test1-static gcp Success Unknown 1d
gcp-nonprod gcp ActionRequired Unknown 19d
gcp-prod gcp ActionRequired Unknown 19d
Use the -o yaml
flag to output the cloud access configuration details to the console.
wf get cloudaccessconfig gcp-test1-static -o yaml
Using Wayfinder's web interface:
- Select Admin, then navigate to Cloud > Access
- Select your cloud provider, for example Google Cloud Platform
- The Cloud Access lists all the Cloud Access configurations for the selected cloud provider

Create a Cloud Access Configuration using CLI
Use the wf create cloudaccessconfig
command to create a cloud access configuration using the CLI. Follow the CLI prompts or use the --help
flag for a full list of options. You need to configure the target project manually or use Wayfinder's terraform module.
If you need more guidance then see the quick start section.
Edit & Apply Cloud Access Configurations
Output the cloud access configuration to file using the wf get cloudaccessconfig
command with the > FILENAME.yaml
wf get cloudaccessconfig gcp-test1-static > ./manifests/gcp-test1-static.yaml
Update the file as needed and use wf apply
command with the -f PATH-TO-FILE.yaml
flag to apply the changes.
wf apply cloudaccessconfig -f ./manifests/gcp-test1-static.yaml
Using Wayfinder's web interface:
- Select Admin, then navigate to Cloud > Access
- Select your cloud provider, for example Google Cloud Platform
- The Cloud Access lists all the Cloud Access configurations for the selected cloud provider
- Click on the name of the Cloud Access to open the form in Edit mode.
- Update as needed.
You will not be able to change the values of the fields below. If they need changing then you need to create a new cloud access configuration.
- Name
- Project ID
- Access Type
All validations need to pass before you can re-apply the configuration.
View Permissions
These are the permissions that Wayfinder need in the target project to create and manage cloud resources.
Use the wf get cloudpermissions
CLI command to view a list of available cloud permissions.
wf get cloudpermissions
ClusterManager Provisioning Used for managing cluster provisioning inside the child account
DNSZoneManager Provisioning Used for managing application DNS records on a sub domain of the Global DNS entry
NetworkManager Provisioning Used for managing network permissions inside the child account
DNSZoneManager DNSZoneManagement Used to create sub domains for workspace clusters inside of the imported top-level domain
NetworkManager NetworkPeering Accepts peering requests in an external VPC network to provide end-to-end peering automation
CloudInfo CostsEstimates Used to retrieve cost data for infrastructure cost estimation
Use the wf describe cloudpermissions
CLI command to view the JSON of the specified permission.
Also see the Permisisons Section section.
wf describe cloudpermission DNSZoneManager -c gcp
Permission: DNSZoneManager
Description: Used for managing application DNS records on a sub domain of the Global DNS entry
- dns.resourceRecordSets.list
- dns.changes.create
- dns.managedZones.get
- dns.managedZones.create
- dns.managedZones.delete
roles: roles/dns.admin
Using Wayfinder's web interface:
- Select Admin, then navigate to Cloud > Access
- Select your cloud provider, for example Google Cloud Platform
- The Cloud Access lists all the Cloud Access configurations for the selected cloud provider
- Click on the name of the Cloud Access to open the form in Edit mode.
- Navigate to the Permissions section.
- Click on the Configure button.
- The JSON outlining the permissions are displayed. Also see the Permisisons Section section.
View Cloud Identity
Use the wf get cloudidentities
CLI Command to view the cloud identities that you've created.
wf get cloudidentities
wf-gcp1-static Success true 3m
Use the -o yaml
flag to view the manifest details.
wf get cloudidentities wf-gcp1-static -o yaml
Using Wayfinder's web interface:
- Select Admin, then navigate to Cloud > Access
- Select your cloud provider, for example Google Cloud Platform
- The Cloud Access lists all the Cloud Access configurations for the selected cloud provider
- Click on the Cloud Identities tab to view a list of cloud identities that you've created.