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Cluster Network Plans

As a Wayfinder administrator, you have the ability to create cluster network plans that provision networks for clusters based on the specified network configuration within the plan. When creating a cluster plan, you will choose a cluster network plan.

From a workspace member's perspective, when developers self-serve their environments, each environment's underlying cluster configuration is determined by a cluster plan (presented to them as an environment plan). Wayfinder will provision the cluster's underlying network based on the network details specified in the cluster network plan.

Wayfinder includes a predefined set of default cluster network plans for each cloud provider. If Wayfinder's default plans do not meet your networking requirements, you have the option to create your own cluster network plans.

CLI Quick Reference

InstructionCLI Command
View a list of cluster network planswf get clusternetworkplans
View cluster network plan's manifestwf get clusternetworkplans PLAN-NAME -o yaml
Output cluster network plan's manifest to filewf get clusternetworkplans PLAN-NAME -o yaml > MYPLAN.yaml
Apply a cluster network plan's manifest from filewf apply -f MYPLAN.yaml
View a list of available IP Ranges for all workspaces
(see auto-allocation)
wf get assignablenetworks --all-workspaces
View a list of available IP Ranges for a specific workspace
wf get assignablenetworks -w [WORKSPACE]
View a list of cluster networkswf get clusternetworks --all-workspaces
View the details of a specific cluster networkwf get clusternetworks NAME

View Cluster Network Plans

For each cloud provider, Wayfinder includes a single default ClusterNetworkPlan that is used by all the default cluster plans included for that provider.

Use the wf get clusternetworkplans command to view a list of cluster network plans.

wf get clusternetworkplans

aks-standard General purpose AKS cluster network. azure 63d
eks-standard General purpose EKS cluster network. aws 63d
gke-standard General purpose GKE cluster network. gcp 63d

You can view a list of cluster network plans using Wayfinder's web interface:

  • Select Admin, then navigate to Kubrnetes > Cluster Networking.

  • Click the cloud provider that you want to see plans for e.g., Microsoft Azure.

    The plans are displayed.

Create Cluster Network Plans

You cannot edit Wayfinder's default cluster network plans for each cloud provider, but you can disable them if they are not needed (see wf disable). Additionally, you have the option to create your own cluster network plans. A convenient approach is to duplicate an existing plan and then customise it to your needs. Alternatively, you can start from scratch. Once you've added a cluster network plan for a cloud provider, you can select it within cluster plans from that same provider.


The network configuration for existing clusters is not affected when you update the cluster network plan that was used to provision those clusters. Updates to cluster network plans will only affect new clusters that are created from that plan.

Add a cluster network plan in Wayfinder's web interface

To add a cluster network plan:

  1. Select Admin, then navigate to Kubernetes > Cluster Network Plans
  2. Click the tab for the cloud provider that you want to add a plan for, and then click the labeled cluster network plan button. Depending on your cloud provider, the label is either AKS, EKS or GKE.
  3. Set or change options as needed
  4. If you want to copy an existing plan, then select the plan and then click the Copy button.
  5. Enter the details as outlined in the table below.
  6. Click Save.


When specifying a fixed IPv4 CIDR block range in a cluster network plan, then every network created using that plan will use the same fixed network range. This means that no traffic can be routed between those fixed ranges.

Below is an example of a fixed network allocation range:

Fixed range IPv4 CIDR block

Below is an example of an auto-allocated range:

Auto-allocated range


This section describes the properties you need to specify when creating a new cluster network plan.

Properties common to all providers

NameProvide a meaningful name for your cluster network plan. It will help others to understand what your plan entails.
DescriptionProvide a meaningful description for your plan.
IPv4 CIDR rangeFixed signifies that you are using a fixed range of IP addresses. You will have a fixed number of IP addresses available across all clusters that use this plan. Therefore, clusters using this plan can't be peered together or join a corporate network.
Allocated signifies that you have one or more IP address ranges available to clusters using this plan. You specify the CIDR ranges and Wayfinder will use different chunks from those ranges you specified.
IPv4 CIDR range > FixedAKS: Specify the fixed CIDR IP address range that the Node and Service should use
EKS: Select the number of availability zones for the cluster.
Specify the fixed CIDR IP address range that the Node should use.
GKE: Specify the fixed CIDR IP address range that the Node, Service and Pod should use
IPv4 CIDR range > Auto-allocatedAKS: Specify the auto-allocated range size for the Node and Service.
Select the CIDR range to allocate from.
EKS: Select the number of availability zones for the cluster.
Specify the auto-allocated range size for the Node.
Select the CIDR range to allocate from.
GKE: Specify the auto-allocated range size for the Node, Service and Pod.
Select the CIDR range to allocate from.

Note regarding the auto-allocated range table: If the table is empty, or you do not see the range you want, then you need to define a range.
SummaryA summary of the network ranges that Wayfinder will create and consume from.

Azure specific properties

Custom DNS ResolversIP addresses of custom DNS resolvers to use in the created vNet. Leave blank to use Azure's default DNS resolution
RoutesSpecifies how traffic should be routed out of this vNet, including to other vNets, on-premises, and to the Internet.
- NameThe name of this route.
- CIDR BlockThe address prefix (CIDR Block). When traffic leaves a subnet and is directed towards an IP address within the address prefix of a route, Azure uses the route containing the prefix.
- Next hop typeRepresents how Azure routes traffic that are destined for the address prefix.
- Virtual Appliance (A virtual machine that typically runs a network application such as a firewall.)
- Virtual Network Gateway (Specify when you want traffic destined for specific address prefixes routed to a virtual network gateway.)
- Next hop IPWhen you create a route with the virtual appliance hop type, you also specify a next hop IP address.
The IP address can be:
- a private IP address of a network interface attached to a virtual machine
- a private IP address of an Azure internal load balancer.

For more information see Azure's Virtual network traffic routing.
Service EndpointsThe Azure Virtual Network Service Endpoints to make available in the cluster's subnet. You can specify multiple service endpoints.
- See Azure's service endpoint documentation for available options.

AWS specific properties

Availability ZonesThe number of availability zones for the cluster.
- 2
- 3

Cluster Plan Profiles

Add a cluster network plan using the CLI

You can also create your own cluster network plan by writing a .yaml file specifying the plan parameters, and then applying it to Wayfinder using the CLI. We recommend you start with an out-of-the-box plan and edit it to suit your needs.

To create a new cluster network plan from an existing one:

  1. Get the yaml from an existing plan:

wf get clusternetworkplan eks-standard -o yaml > MYPLAN.yaml

This copies the the eks-standard cluster network plan and places it in a file MYPLAN.yaml.

  1. Edit the file as needed, being sure to change the metadata name to a new name to indicate that you wish to make a new plan. Thereafter, apply the file:

wf apply -f MYPLAN.yaml

Below is an example of a cluster network plan.

kind: ClusterNetworkPlan
name: aks-standard-v2 <--- remember to change the name
planProviderDetails: {}
summary: General purpose AKS cluster network v2
- cidr: ""
size: 21
type: node
- cidr: ""
size: 21
type: service
layout: {}
location: ""
plan: aks-standard-v2 <--- remember to change the name
provider: azure
stage: ""

If you have set a fixed IPv4 CIDR block, then the cidrBlocks parameter will look similar to below:

- cidr: <--- This value is only an example
type: node
- cidr: <--- This value is only an example
type: service

Network capacity and availability

Wayfinder inlcudes the clusterNetwork and networkCapacity details under status.

  • clusterNetwork > exampleNetwork demonstrates the next network range that Wayfinder will create from this plan, when a Cluster Network is created.
  • networkCapacity indicates that the network ranges have capacity and can be used for at least one more network.

- hasCapacity: true
stage: nonprod
- hasCapacity: true
stage: prod
- cidr:
type: SubnetNode
- cidr:
type: AKSInternalService

Associate a cluster network plan with a cluster plan

When you create a cluster plan, you must select cluster network plan.


The network configuration for existing clusters is not affected when you update the cluster network plan that was used to provision those clusters. Updates to cluster network plans will only affect new clusters that are created from that plan.

IP Ranges

For each cloud provider, you can view the available IP ranges for auto-allocation.

Use the wf get assignablenetworks --all-workspaces command to view a list of available IP ranges across all workspaces.

wf get assignablenetworks --all-workspaces

aws-nonprod aws 138d
aws-prod aws 138d
azure-nonprod azure 138d
azure-prod azure 138d
gcp-nonprod gcp 138d
gcp-prod gcp 138d

Use the wf get assignablenetworks -w [WORKSPACE] command to view a list of available IP ranges in the specified workspace.

wf get assignablenetworks -w sand

aks-a0pcu azure-nonprod Success 3h19m

In Wayfinder's web interface:

  • Select Admin, then navigate to Kubernetes > Cluster Network Plans
  • Select the applicable cloud provider
  • Select the IP ranges tab
  • A list of IP ranges are displayed

The list of IP network ranges you see on the IP ranges tab is identical to the list presented to users on the Cluster Network Plan > Auto-allocated tab.

Cluster Networks

For each cloud provider, you have the ability to view the cluster networks that have been created.

Use the wf get clusternetworks --all-workspaces command to view a list of cluster networks.

wf get clusternetworks --all-workspaces

aks-g8evs azure-nonprod Success 41d app
aks-a0pcu azure-nonprod Success 3h47m sand
ci-envs-2 azure-prod Success 41d wfci
demo-envs azure-nonprod Success 32d wfci
dev-envs azure-nonprod Success 41d wfci

Use the wf get clusternetworks -w [WORKSPACE] command to view a list of clusters networks in a specific workpsace.

wf get clusternetworks -w sand
aks-a0pcu azure-nonprod Success 3h44m

Use the wf get clusternetworks NAME command to view the details of a specific cluster network.

wf get clusternetworks aks-a0pcu -o yaml

kind: ClusterNetwork
labels: azure-nonprod azure-nonprod default cjhjqaeddkdqi1ol7pd0 "true" aks-a0pcu azure uksouth nonprod cfv6pokr7uc17lvgc8ig sand cfvhvouddkdmk5jj5200
name: aks-a0pcu
name: aks-a0pcu
namespace: ws-sand
name: azure-nonprod
namespace: ws-sand
cloudResourceName: ws-sand-aks-a0pcu
- cidr:
size: 21
type: node
- cidr:
size: 21
type: service
mode: auto
privateSubnets: 1
location: uksouth
plan: aks-standard
provider: azure
resourceGroup: wf-ws-sand-aks-a0pcu-uksouth
type: azure
stage: nonprod
wayfinder-cluster: cjhjqaeddkdqi1ol7pd0
wayfinder-instance: cfv6pokr7uc17lvgc8ig
wayfinder-workspace: cfvhvouddkdmk5jj5200