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Wayfinder's Default Cluster Plans

< benefits | introduction to cluster plans

Are there any out-of-the-box examples?

Wayfinder ships with default out-of-the-box cluster plans for each cloud provider (AWS, Azure and GCP). You can use them as-is or make a copy to accellerate configuring your own cluster plans.

Which services are included in each default cluster plan?

The default cluster plans shipped with Wayfinder include the following pre-provisioned services. As a prerequisite, Wayfinder uses the Flux Helm Controller (which is installed by Wayfinder on every cluster) to deliver them:

Are you following any guidelines?

Wayfinder adheres to guidelines published by Cloud Providers to configure clusters:

  • Loosely defined permission bindings are eliminated to enhance security.
  • Prior pod security policies (PSP) are removed, and a baseline Pod Security Standard (PSS) is applied to all applications to ensure a reasonable least-privileged default setting.
  • A default network policy denial rule is enforced for all newly created namespaces, requiring explicit traffic permissions instead of a blanket allowance.

What comes next?