Cluster Plan Lifecycle
A cluster plan follows an iterative lifecycle, ensuring that configurations are continuously updated, validated, and deployed effectively. This process ensures that clusters are always provisioned according to the latest standards and workspace requirements.

Create Initial Version
The lifecycle begins with creating the initial version of your cluster plan. In this step, you define configurations for clusters, cluster networks, and the services/packages required to bootstrap the cluster during provisioning. You also scope the plan to the relevant stage (e.g., platform) and workspace combinations, ensuring it's only available where needed.
At this point, the cluster plan remains in a draft state, awaiting further action.
With the draft plan created, the next step is to validate it. Create a test cluster using the cluster plan to ensure that all configurations work as expected. Based on the test results, you can make adjustments to fine-tune the configuration.
Once the plan is finalised and successfully validated, it's ready for rollout. At this stage:
- Ensure the plan's scope is correctly defined, as only workspace users with matching cloud access configurations will be able to provision self-service clusters using the plan. You can find more information on scoping in the scope scenario sections.
- Publish the cluster plan, making it available for self-service cluster provisioning.
After publishing, developers and other users can start using the cluster plan to self-service clusters tailored to their application needs.
Cluster plans are immutable once a cluster has been created using them. To make changes, such as upgrading packages or updating configurations, a new version of the plan must be created. The new version will be in a "draft" state and unavailable to users.
This lifecycle is continuous (except for the initial creation step), ensuring that cluster plans remain up to date and effective over time. Each new version of the plan must be validated and rolled out appropriately to make it available for users to consume.