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Apply the YAML for the Repository

< Summary

CLI Instructions

Output the YAML to file


wf get repositories NAME > PATH-TO-FILE.yaml

wf get repositories myhelmrepo > ./manifests/bitnami-repo.yaml

Apply the YAML

Make changes to the YAML as needed and then use the instructions below to apply the YAML.


wf apply repositories -f PATH-TO-FILE.yaml

wf apply repositories -f ./manifests/bitnami-repo.yaml

Web Interface Instructions

Steps for Wayfinder to apply the YAML immediately:

  • Click the Apply button

Steps to download the YAML:

  • Click the Copy button inside the black YAML block (top right-hand side)
  • Use Wayfinder's CLI to apply the YAML or,
  • Check the YAML into your CI/CD pipleline.


Repositories Apply