Overview of Creating Cluster Access Policies
< overview | cluster access policy create workflow
Creating a cluster access policy involves several sections which you must follow in order. Key points for each section are described below:

- Identification and Description: Use clear and concise names and descriptions to help your team quickly grasp the policy's purpose and configuration.
Scoping a cluster access policy offers these benefits:
- Workspaces: Scope policies to specific developer workspaces to address their unique requirements.
- Stages: Ensure consistent access privileges across clusters within a stage such as production and non-production.
Policy Settings
- Tailor the policy to grant access either directly to users or to access tokens, depending on your security or operational needs.
- Define which roles and groups are permitted access, ensuring that only authorised individuals or systems can interact with the cluster.
- For user-specific policies, set the exact duration for which a user can maintain access in a single session, enhancing security and minimising risk.
Review Configuration Summary
Review a summary of the configuration you've specified and make any amendments as needed.
Apply the YAML
View and download the YAML and then apply it using Wayfinder's CLI or via your CI system. Alternatively, you can instruct Wayfinder to apply the YAML immediately.