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View All Compute Templates

view compute templates

Use Wayfinder's User Interface or CLI to view all compute templates.

CLI Commands


Use the wf get computetemplates command to view a list of all the available compute templates.

wf get computetemplates

aks-ai-ml Lots of lovely GPUs AKS 7d8h
aks-general-purpose General Purpose AKS cluster AKS 46d
aks-sandbox Low cost cluster configuration for testing purposes. AKS 40d
aks-strict Hardened AKS cluster. AKS 40d
eks-general-purpose General Purpose EKS cluster EKS 46d
eks-sandbox Low cost cluster configuration for testing purposes. EKS 40d
eks-strict Hardened EKS cluster. EKS 40d
gke-general-purpose General Purpose GKE cluster GKE 46d
gke-sandbox Low cost cluster configuration for testing purposes GKE 40d
gke-strict Hardened GKE cluster. GKE 40d

Web Interface Instructions


  • Expand Admin, and then navigate to Kubernetes > Compute Templates
  • You are presented with a table listing all the compute templates.


View Compute Templates Table