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Overview of Creating Compute Templates

< introduction | compute templates creation workflow

This section covers the "Create initial" phase of the compute templates's lifecycle.

compute templates Lifecycle - Initial Version

Creating a compute template involves several sections which you must follow in order. Key points for each section are described below:

compute templates Create Overview


  • Identification and Description: Clear and descriptive names help developers quickly identify the compute template's purpose and configuration details.
  • Cloud Provider Configuration: Compute templates encapsulate compute instance settings specific to each cloud provider, preventing accidental configuration of unsupported settings.

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Node Pools

You can use multiple node pools to optimise resource usage, cost efficiency, and performance by matching each workload to the most appropriate and cost-effective hardware.

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Estimated Costs

Make informed decisions to balance performance and budget constraints by viewing cost projections for individual node pools and the total cluster setup. This visibility allows you to optimise resource allocation and effectively manage expenses before developers create clusters in their workspaces.

View configuration steps >

Review Configuration Summary

Review a summary of the configuration you've specified and make any ammendmends as needed.

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Apply the YAML

View and download the YAML and then apply it using Wayfinder's CLI or via your CI system. Alternatively, you can instruct Wayfinder to apply the YAML immediately.

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What comes next?