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Install Wayfinder on AWS using Terraform

Quick-Starter Guide Series


Key Steps

  • Use our Terraform module to quickly configure and deploy Wayfinder on AWS.
  • Configure Wayfinder after installation.

Quick Guide

Use Wayfinder's Terraform module (terraform-aws-wayfinder) to provision and manage a licensed edition of Appvia Wayfinder on AWS.

Follow the steps below to get up and running quickly, using the predefined quickstart example.

Step 1: Configure

  1. Within your AWS Account, create a Route53 Public Hosted Zone which can be used for the Wayfinder Portal and API DNS Records.
  2. Clone down the terraform-aws-wayfinder repository and navigate to examples/quickstart, or copy the contents of this directory to your local machine.
  3. Copy the terraform.tfvars.example file to terraform.tfvars and populate the variables with your own values.

Step 2: Deploy

  1. Authenticate to AWS using the AWS CLI.
  2. Run terraform init to initialise the Terraform modules.
    • If you are using S3 as a backend, you will need to provide the relevant variables to the init command, e.g.
      terraform init -upgrade \
      -backend-config="bucket=<S3_BUCKET>" \
      -backend-config="key=wayfinder.tfstate" \
      -backend-config="encrypt=true" \
      -backend-config="dynamodb_table=<DYNAMODB_TABLE>" \
  3. Run terraform plan -out=wayfinder.tfplan to view the resources that will be created.
  4. Run terraform apply wayfinder.tfplan
Wayfinder AWS Installation via Terraform

What comes next?

Further Reading