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Release Notes

Supported versions

This page provides release notes for supported versions of Wayfinder.

For information on Wayfinder release cadence and support lifecycle, see:

Install Wayfinder

You can install Wayfinder via the provided Terraform Modules.

Wayfinder is free to use for 30 days (you will only incur cloud provider hosting costs). After this period, the trial licence will expire and your testing period ends. Please get in touch at to request a trial extension or commercial licence.

Release v2.8.1


See Get the CLI for instructions.

Cluster plan versioning

In this release, Wayfinder now supports immutable versioning of Cluster Plans, allowing you to roll out changes to cluster plans across your fleet in a testable and deterministic way.

Clusters now refer to a plan and version and Wayfinder uses the details of the plan directly to build and manage the cluster. Creating a new plan version gives you a testable upgrade path for each plan, meaning you can use the exact same upgrade across all clusters on that plan, reducing bespoke per-cluster testing needs.

This release also introduces Compute Templates, which contain suggested node pool configurations that application teams can select from when self-serving clusters.

  • [WFP-4396] ✨ Introduce new API version (v2beta2) for Cluster, ClusterPlan and ComputeTemplate
  • [WFP-4404, WFP-4442] ✨ Reconcile clusters with versioned plans
  • [WFP-4410] ✨ Allow kubeproxyaccess to clusters with versioned plans
  • [WFP-4402] ✨ Enhanced validation of versioned ClusterPlans
  • [WFP-4403] ✨ Enhanced validation for clusters using versioned plans:
    • Non-provider-specific validation
    • Providers details
    • Node pools
    • Networks
    • Cost limits
    • Deletion dependencies
  • [WFP-4408] ✨ Add ComputeTemplate validation
  • [WFP-4693] ✨ Enhance validation for node pool logical name on Cluster and Compute Template
  • [WFP-4675] ✨ Enhance validation for quota limits on multitenancy clusters
  • [WFP-0000] ✨ Drop description from individual node pools for Compute Templates and Clusters
  • [WFP-4405] ✨ Add API support for cost estimates of individual node pools without a cluster
  • [WFP-4486] ✨ Don't generate or use PackageUpdates for clusters using versioned plans with packages
  • [WFP-4576] ✨ Remove unused GCP node pool fields (auto-upgrade, auto-repair - these are always set on GCP and the options were disregarded)
  • [WFP-4531] ✨ Improve handling of nodepool update progress
  • [WFP-4566] ✨ Add non-region specific instance type, GPU and Kubernetes version metadata and non-regional cost estimates using worldwide average pricing
  • [WFP-4416] ✨ Add default compute templates
  • [WFP-4470] ✨ Deprecate referencing cluster plans on AppEnvs
  • [WFP-4410, WFP-4518] ✨ CLI - Update wf create cluster to create clusters using versioned ClusterPlans and ComputeTemplates
  • [WFP-4517] ✨ CLI - Support --compute-template-file in wf create cluster to create using template file
  • [WFP-4519] ✨ CLI - Migrate to Bubbletea from PromptUI and Survey for CLI interaction and use to show compute template descriptions in wf create cluster
  • [WFP-4641] ✨ CLI - Add wf init cluster command
  • [WFP-4642] ✨ CLI - Add wf init clusterplan command
  • [WFP-4513] ✨ CLI - Add wf update cluster command and API sub-resource
  • [WFP-4400, WFP-4401] ✨ UI - Implement new Cluster Plan list, Cluster Plan info page (incl. version list), Cluster Plan Version info page
  • [WFP-4475] ✨ UI - Highlight legacy (unversioned) plans on cluster plan list
  • [WFP-4399] ✨ UI - Implement new Cluster Plan form
  • [WFP-4637, WFP-4563] ✨ UI - Only show packages appropriate for the cluster provider on cluster plan form, sort package versions descending
  • [WFP-4545] ✨ UI - Handle versioned cluster plans on package tables
  • [WFP-4407] ✨ UI - Add Compute Template list and infoview
  • [WFP-4405] ✨ UI - Add Compute Template form
  • [WFP-4557] ✨ UI - Add new Cluster table and infoviews
  • [WFP-4557] ✨ UI - Add support for multi-tenant clusters to new Cluster infoview, new namespace form
  • [WFP-4607] ✨ UI - Add multi-tenancy / quota-limit options to Cluster infoview
  • [WFP-4605] ✨ UI - Add quota limit selector to new namespace form
  • [WFP-4606] ✨ UI - Add PSS support to new namespace form
  • [WFP-4409] ✨ UI - New cluster form
    • New plan selection modal, filtered by scope and provider
    • Allow selection of cluster plan version
    • Add estimated costs to cluster form summary
    • Improved compute template and cluster plan pickers
    • Add common node pool form for Compute Template and Cluster forms
    • Update node pool form look and feel on compute template and cluster forms
  • [WFP-4455] ✨ UI - Prevent editing of pre-v2.8 clusters at v2beta2 without migration
  • [WFP-4470] ✨ UI - Update create app environment form for versioned cluster plans

Provisioning policies

Along with versioned cluster plans, this release introduces a new Provisioning Policy resource allowing you to restrict self-service of clusters, replacing the 'policy' construct on older cluster plans.

Limits can be configured for the maximum estimated costs for a cluster, along with what regions, instance types, number of nodes and the number of clusters can be provisioned.

A UI to manage provisioning policies will be available in a future release.

  • [WFP-4496] ✨ Add ProvisioningPolicy and evaluate in Cluster validation

Other enhancements and new features

  • [WFP-4598] ✨ Add Azure cross tenant Cloud Identity support
  • [WFP-4692] ✨ Allow securityContext.capabilities to be overridden for a Container within an App Component
  • [WFP-4609] ✨ Allow platform access tokens to assign access roles to other access tokens if added to a Wayfinder group permitted by the access policy
  • [WFP-4137] ✨ Improve validation for Cluster Network Plans on AWS
  • [WFP-4381] ✨ Consistent tagging of Azure resources
  • [WFP-4382] ✨ Consistent tagging of AWS resources
  • [WFP-4383] ✨ Consistent tagging of GCP resources

  • [WFP-4552] ✨ UI - Add infoview for DNS Zones
  • [WFP-4562] ✨ UI - Add infoview for Stages
  • [WFP-4231] ✨ UI - Allow usage of private GitHub repositories when searching for cloud resources
  • [WFP-4567] ✨ UI - Add status tab to Cloud Access and Cloud Identity infoviews
  • [WFP-4551] ✨ UI - Add infoview for Cloud Identities
  • [WFP-4550] ✨ UI - Add infoview for Cloud Accesses
  • [WFP-4556] ✨ UI - Add infoview for Platform Secrets
  • [WFP-4479] ✨ UI - Add 'Download YAML' button to all new-style forms
  • [WFP-4549] ✨ UI - Auto-increment version on cluster plans and packages on new version

  • [WFP-4646] ✨ CLI - Use WAYFINDER_WORKSPACE as fallback if no explicit workspace set
  • [WFP-4603] ✨ CLI - Allow wf validate package to work on any stage
  • [WFP-4494] ✨ CLI - Support exporting all versions of versioned resources with wf export
  • [WFP-4526] ✨ CLI - Add help to wf init
  • [WFP-4527] ✨ CLI - Update wf init package to always return repositoryRef and repo (if not already existing)
  • ✨ CLI - wf apply small improvements - use deterministic ordering, check versioned resources have spec.version set

Bug Fixes

  • [WFP-4621] 🐛 Fix enqueued namespace for App Certs operator DNS watch
  • [WFP-4582] 🐛 Cluster controller deletes ClusterNetwork explicitly ensuring peering not deleted early; add timeouts for deletion activities
  • [WFP-4581] 🐛 Fix network policy generation for inter-container-component app dependencies
  • [WFP-4500] 🐛 Fix issue preventing the creation of additional spot pools on Azure for existing clusters
  • [WFP-4507] 🐛 Ensure legacy WorkloadIdentities owned by packages are migrated correctly
  • [WFP-4593] 🐛 Add default fallback Azure region for child DNS zones if none available from parent zone options
  • [WFP-4507] 🐛 Fix legacy role parameters for packages with workload IDs
  • [WFP-4652] 🐛 Ensure RoleBinding name ends with an alphanumeric character
  • [WFP-4650] 🐛 Validate app provider against cluster provider

  • [WFP-4580] 🐛 CLI - wf apply skips existing workspaces when applying
  • [WFP-4610] 🐛 CLI - Add DefaultWorkspaceGroup to resource types
  • [WFP-4585] 🐛 CLI - Fix identifier column in wf get cloudaccessconfig
  • [WFP-4586] 🐛 CLI - Can't delete owned CloudAccessConfig with wf delete cloudaccessconfig
  • [WFP-4509] 🐛 CLI - Support rendering packages in wf get for old package API version v2beta1

  • [WFP-4438] 🐛 UI - Fix multiline YAML view of spec.templateValues on packages
  • 🐛 UI - Fix wrong version being reported in toast messages on version lists

Release v2.7.4


See Get the CLI for instructions.


This release introduces a new, fully featured way to manage and deliver super-charged Helm packages across your fleet of clusters. Maintain a single, immutable, versioned definition of your package which can apply across your estate, and reference those from cluster plans.

  • [WFP-4046] ✨ Introduce new v2beta2 API for packages
  • [WFP-4083, WF-4049] ✨ Validate helm and add deprecation warnings to legacy fields on new packages
  • [WFP-4129] ✨ Validate variables used in package templates
  • [WFP-4243] ✨ Validate required workload identity variables are consumed in package Helm values template
  • [WFP-4023] ✨ Validate package additional manifests only define a single document per manifest
  • [WFP-4119] ✨ Use new template values when reconciling packages
  • [WFP-4104] ✨ Implement detailed package release status for new-style packages
  • [WFP-4419] ✨ Move built-in packages to external repo (
  • [WFP-4195] ✨ Add packages to cluster plans, mark package label selectors deprecated
  • [WFP-4377] ✨ Check packages defined on the cluster plan are deployed successfully before marking cluster as ready
  • [WFP-4210] ✨ Add support for private package repositories in new packages

Package Workload Identities

Use our templating language to define the right permissions for the Helm package in the cloud account of your clusters, for example:

Wayfinder Package Workload IDs - AWS Policy Definition

  • [WFP-4236] ✨ Add new workload identity fields for new package templates
  • [WFP-4310] ✨ Support GCP templated role bindings for new package workload identities
  • [WFP-4237] ✨ Support AWS templated IAM policy for new package workload identities
  • [WFP-4238] ✨ Support Azure templated IAM role assignments for new package workload identities
  • [WFP-4328] ✨ Improve validation around workloadidentities on GCP

Package templated Helm values

Ensure the Helm values are templated correctly for every cluster:

Wayfinder Packages - Helm Configuration

  • [WFP-4047] ✨ Add templated spec.helm.valuesTemplate for new packages

Package additional manifest configuration

Ensure your package is ready to consume without maintaining your own additional Helm charts by layering on any additional post-install configuration of your package:

Wayfinder Packages - Additional Manifests

  • [WFP-4023] ✨ Add templated manifests to new packages

Initialise and manage packages quickly through UI and CLI

Use the new interactive package definition UI to create a full package definition easily, or use wf init package from the CLI to quickly skeleton out a package definition by providing a few basic values. Take the resulting definition and manage it through CI or apply directly to Wayfinder.

New package and package version tables let you quickly understand where your packages are used and link to the individual releases on each cluster.

  • [WFP-4335] ✨ UI - Add form to create packages
  • [WFP-4337] ✨ UI - Support definition of Workload Identity in package form
  • [WFP-4338] ✨ UU - Support definition of additional manifests in package form
  • [WFP-4336, WFP-4364] ✨ UI - Add package repository in-line modal and form
  • [WFP-4420] ✨ UI - Add mini-docs to package and repo forms
  • [WFP-4340] ✨ UI - Introduce code editor to manage templates for workload identity, helm values and additional manifests in packages
  • [WFP-4449, WFP-4456] ✨ UI - Add 'New version' functionality to package form and tables, allowing creation of new versions of existing packages
  • [WFP-4446, WFP-4425] ✨ UI - Ensure pre-v2.7 legacy packages cannot be edited through UI
  • [WFP-4333] ✨ UI - Add new package and package version tables
  • [WFP-4334] ✨ UI - Add new repository table
  • [WFP-4366] ✨ UI - Add package and repository info pages
  • [WFP-4365] ✨ UI - Add cluster package release info detail page
  • [WFP-4196] ✨ UI - Add packages to cluster plan view/edit
  • [WFP-4348] ✨ UI - Support package versions in cluster plan view/edit
  • [WFP-4123] ✨ CLI - Add wf init package to skeleton a package definition from a repository, chart and version
  • [WFP-4124] ✨ CLI - Add support for private Helm repositories to wf init package
  • [WFP-4242] ✨ CLI - Add support for --enable-workload-identity to wf init package
  • [WFP-4373] ✨ CLI - Sort chart and version when picking interactively in wf init package

Easy validation flow to test your packages

Use wf validate package to quickly iterate on your package definitions using a test cluster before adding them to cluster plans.

Fail - wrong package spec

  • [WFP-4142] ✨ CLI/API - Add wf validate package -f ./package.yaml command and backend support
  • [WFP-4110] ✨ Restrict wf validate package to stages annotated for package validation
  • [WFP-4221] ✨ CLI - Add feedback to wf validate output when template(s) are invalid
  • [WFP-4221] ✨ CLI/API - Add support for wf validate package --allow-update to test updates to existing packages
  • [WFP-4254, WFP-4256] ✨ CLI - Add support for wf validate package --delete to remove package release after test or timeout and wait for deletion
  • [WFP-4248] ✨ CLI - Ensure errors for missing clusters and clusters not being ready to accept packages are output on wf validate package
  • [WFP-4457] ✨ CLI - Support wf validate package --name PKG --version PKGVER to validate existing package versions already applied to WF

Versioned packages

Wayfinder now keeps all versions of a given package definition. As you create or amend packages, setting a different spec.version will ensure that both the old and new version are preserved. This allows you to safely produce new package versions, test them, then update your cluster plans with the new versions once ready.

In the next release (v2.8) this versioning will be extended to cluster plans themselves to enhance your control over upgrades for your teams' clusters.

  • [WFP-4284, WFP-4285, WFP-4286, WFP-4345] ✨ Introduce resource versioning at the API layer for v2beta2 Package CRD
  • [WFP-4344] ✨ Allow package versions to be updated if not referenced by cluster plans
  • [WFP-4467, WFP-4463] ✨ CLI - Support versioned resources in wf diff
  • [WFP-4341, WFP-4464] ✨ CLI - Support versioned resources in wf apply including pruning versioned resources

Upcoming removal of 'label-selector' packages

After upgrading to v2.7, you should migrate any existing custom package definitions to new-style versioned packages referenced by cluster plans. If you have any questions about migration, contact Appvia Support for assistance.

The previous version of packages using label selector targeting is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

Template variables

Wayfinder now provides a rich set of template variables you can use in your package configuration, along with a set of useful CLI and UI tools to understand those variables and check their values.

Resolve variables

  • [WFP-4034, WFP-4040] ✨ Implement initial templating library for package usage
  • [WFP-4035] ✨ Add API for describing and resolving template variables (#5654)
  • [WFP-4037] ✨ CLI - Add wf describe vars command to list available variables for templates
  • [WFP-4041] ✨ CLI - Add wf resolve command to resolve template variables
  • [WFP-4039] ✨ UI - Add variables page to see available variables for templates
  • [WFP-4292] ✨ UI - Add resolve functionality to variables page
  • [WFP-4339] ✨ UI - Add inline template variable widget to packages form
  • [WFP-4084] ✨ Support toYaml in templates
  • [WFP-4092] ✨ Review all text and add examples for template describe (#5797)
  • [WFP-4035] ✨ Support maps and lists in template variables (#5667)

Platform Secrets

You can now manage platform-level secrets for packages, cloud identities, Terraform repositories and Helm repositories using the new Platform Secrets feature.

Platform Secrets

  • [WFP-4232] ✨ Add API for structured platform secrets to be used from CLI and UI
  • [WFP-4232] ✨ CLI - Add wf create platformsecret commands for supported secret purposes: helmrepo, package, terraformrepo and cloudidentity
  • [WFP-4303, WFP-4368, WFP-4304] ✨ UI - Add platform secret form and list
  • [WFP-4298] ✨ Add new secret type for TLS certificates for Helm repository auth
  • [WFP-4324] ✨ Add ability to use platform secrets for private terraform repos in Terranetes API
  • [WFP-4234, WFP-4275] ✨ Distribute platform secrets for app cloud resources where the cloud resource plan references a private terraform repository

Other enhancements and new features

  • [WFP-4418] ✨ Wait for network to delete if owned by the cluster, ensuring cluster doesn't disappear until network deletion completed
  • [WFP-4291] ✨ Add OwnedResources to the status of all resources to identify cloud resources and other Wayfinder resources owned by that resource
  • [WFP-4356] ✨ Handle unexpected errors in controllers gracefully
  • [WFP-4153] ✨ Add basic support for patching env variables from AppEnv variables in deployment templates
  • [WFP-4162] ✨ Improve error message from Kubernetes API proxy when access from your IP is forbidden

  • [WFP-4294] ✨ UI - Add confirmation prompt on any navigation from a form if values have been edited
  • [WFP-3980] ✨ UI - Add close/back buttons to forms, show prompt if form has been modified
  • [WFP-4290] ✨ UI - Support ANSI colour display in logs
  • [WFP-4247] ✨ UI - Tweaks/improvements to DNS zone form
  • [WFP-4259] ✨ UI - Add option to view YAML in default table actions

  • [WFP-4318] ✨ CLI - Improve SSO login splash-screen (try wf login if you use SSO, you won't be disappointed!)
  • [WFP-4350] ✨ CLI - Add generic wf describe TYPE NAME command to show the owned resources for a given resource recursively
  • [WFP-4291] ✨ CLI - Include number of child resources owned by PackageRelease and WorkloadIdentity in wf get
  • [WFP-4218] ✨ CLI - Ensure validation warnings are shown generically, where not specifically processed by a handler
  • [WFP-4181] ✨ CLI - Add generic filter support for wf get commands
  • [WFP-4012] ✨ CLI - wf deploy --wait-for-ready will now wait for HTTP endpoint to be populated before returning if a component is exposed
  • [WFP-4220] ✨ CLI - wf apply / wf diff now show all validation errors, rather than just the first

Bug Fixes

  • [WFP-4450] 🐛 Cluster network deletion not triggered unless cluster deleted with cascade
  • [WFP-4447] 🐛 Correct NGINX ingress controller name in ingress-nginx-internal default package
  • [WFP-4363, WFP-4190] 🐛 Ensure access role bindings (for assign/assume) have max 63 char names, improve wf get accessrolebinding
  • [WFP-4353] 🐛 Ensure non-admins can't assign platform roles at workspace scope, make workspace.cloudaccessmanager platform scoped
  • [WFP-4330] 🐛 Ensure all packages from deleting clusters are marked as deleted
  • [WFP-4253] 🐛 Ensure ClusterNetworkPlan controller re-verifies plan when stages are changed
  • [WFP-4302] 🐛 Fix excessive memory consumption on Azure instance type metadata refresh
  • [WFP-4296] 🐛 Ensure AppEnv controller handles case when no ingress classes are available
  • [WFP-4163] 🐛 Fix app DNS zone generation
  • [WFP-4423] 🐛 Requeue on conflict in package release reconciliation
  • [WFP-4222] 🐛 Ensure PackageReleases don't inherit OwnedBy labels from Packages

  • [WFP-4468] 🐛 CLI - wf apply does not apply resources with the same name in different workspaces
  • [WFP-4134] 🐛 CLI - Fix wf apply with prune attempting to delete workspaces in certain scenarios
  • [WFP-4164] 🐛 CLI - wf create appenv - error if --cluster stage does not match --stage flag
  • [WFP-4170, WFP-4135] 🐛 CLI - Ensure client is initialised with the right profile / base URL before processing any flags

  • [WFP-4325] 🐛 UI - DNS - Fix radio value for packages auto-provision option
  • [WFP-4193] 🐛 UI - Improve generic error handling for form and API validation errors
  • [WFP-4244] 🐛 UI - Ensure DNS zone Delegation step renders when no condition is met
  • 🐛 UI - Fix cloud identity modal on cloud access config form not being re-initialised correctly on re-entry

Release v2.6.5


See Get the CLI for instructions.

Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • [WFP-4176] ✨ UI - Add "Name in [cloud]" text to cluster details page
  • [WFP-3683] ✨ CLI - Add --owner and --prune to wf diff
  • [WFP-4165, WFP-4173] 🐛 UI - Fix a couple of broken URLs
  • [WFP-4088] 🐛 Add read only annotation to RepositoryRelease objects as they are system-controlled
  • [WFP-2587] 🐛 CLI - wf apply with --dry-run server does client side dry run with missing workspace
  • [WFP-4204] 🐛 UI - Stop workspace submenu from sticking in collapsed nav mode
  • [WFP-4097] 🐛 UI - Fix cancel button URL on cluster network plan edit page
  • [WFP-4215] 🐛 UI - Stop (cloud resource) component page from breaking if cloud resource component does not have variablesFrom defined on spec

Release v2.6.4


See Get the CLI for instructions.

Private DNS support

This release introduces full support for Private DNS zones on AWS, Azure and GCP. This allows you to extend Wayfinder's auto-provisioning of DNS zones for your clusters and apps to fully-private DNS within your cloud environment.

With this change, a new version of the GlobalDNSZone and DNSZone resources has been introduced (v2beta2) and the existing version (v2beta1) is now deprecated and will be removed in v2.7. Please update any stored GlobalDNSZone or DNSZone resources in your repositories to the new API version after upgrading.

  • [WFP-3897] ✨ Introduce DNSZone and GlobalDNSZone v2beta2 API versions with full support for private DNS zones
  • [WFP-3843] ✨ Implement private DNS support for Azure Private DNS
  • [WFP-3844] ✨ Implement private DNS support for AWS Route53 private zones
  • [WFP-3846] ✨ Implement private DNS support for GCP Cloud DNS private zones
  • [WFP-3860] ✨ Add secondary external DNS package for Azure to support Azure Private DNS
  • [WFP-3900] ✨ UI - New DNS configuration form
  • [WFP-3847] ✨ UI - Support private DNS configuration for all providers on new DNS form
  • [WFP-3971] ✨ UI - New DNS zone list with more information
  • [WFP-4081] ✨ Validate DNS domains are unique - prevent creation of multiple DNS zones with the same provider using the same domain
  • [WFP-4013] ✨ Tighten reconciliation criteria on package releases / updates w.r.t. DNS zones
  • [WFP-4054] 🐛 Ensure DNS zones fail validation where cloud access config required but not supplied
  • [WFP-4053] 🐛 UI - Perform cascading delete of DNS zones when child zones exist
  • [WFP-3862] ✨ Support Custom DNS resolvers for Azure vNets
  • [WFP-3839, WFP-3978] ✨ Add route / next hop support for Azure cluster network plans
  • [WFP-4005] ✨ Support privatelink DNS zone vNet links in AKS cluster plan (required only when using private clusters with custom DNS resolution)

wf apply / wf diff improvements

The validation performed by Wayfinder has been improved to return warnings for missing dependencies, allowing wf apply and wf diff to intelligently re-order multiple resources as required so they apply successfully.

  • [WFP-3986] ✨ Return 'dependency missing' warnings instead of validation errors on missing dependencies for:
    • Apps: AppEnv to CloudAccessConfig, AppEnv to Application, AppComponent to Application, AppComponent to other AppComponents
    • Cloud Access: CloudAccessConfig to Stage, CloudAccessConfig to CloudIdentity
    • Clusters / Networks: Cluster to CloudAccessConfig, ClusterPlan to ClusterNetworkPlan, ClusterNetwork to CloudAccessConfig, ClusterNetworkPlan to AssignableNetwork
    • DNS: DNSZone / GlobalDNSZone to CloudAccessConfig
  • [WFP-3966] ✨ Handle warnings in wf apply and wf diff:
    • Use returned warnings to re-order resources being applied, allowing (e.g.) an application and its components to be configured in the same pass
    • Apply workspaces (and wait for ready) before workspace-dependent resources, allowing configuration of a workspace and its (e.g.) CloudAccessConfigs in the same pass
  • These improvements resolve:
    • [WFP-3962] 🐛 Dry run and apply of full application (with appenv and app component) may not work due to ordering
    • [WFP-3497] 🐛 wf diff does not work with resource dependencies (such as ClusterNetworkPlan to AssignableNetwork) when both are being created
    • [WFP-3536] 🐛 Dry run and apply of container app components that depend on cloud resource app components may not work due to ordering

App environment variables

This release introduces variables on application environments. This allows container and cloud app components to use variables which vary across your environments.

  • [WFP-4149] ✨ Support variables on App environments to use as inputs for cloud resource components and as container environment variables
    • [WFP-4152] ✨ Add API support for AppEnv variables
    • [WFP-4153] ✨ Add support for setting AppComponent container environment variables from AppEnv variables
    • [WFP-4154] ✨ Add support for setting AppComponent cloud resource inputs from AppEnv variables
    • [WFP-4160] ✨ Add validation error if variable required by AppComponent is not set on AppEnv when using wf deploy
    • [WFP-4156] ✨ UI - Add support for setting variables on create/edit of AppEnv
    • [WFP-4158] ✨ UI - Add support for "Add from App Env" on container and cloud resource component definition
    • [WFP-4155] ✨ CLI - Add --var flag to wf create appenv to specify variables at AppEnv creation times
    • [WFP-4177] ✨ Add all user-defined appenv variables to wf-environment config map for OwnManifest components

wf access and wf kubeconfig improvements:

  • [WFP-3974] ✨ wf access namespace / wf create token improvements
    • Adds --timeout flag to wf assume and wf access cluster|namespace|env to control amount of time to wait for the access binding to be ready
    • Adds validation to wf access cluster|namespace|env to error if a role is requested when authenticated as an access token (access tokens are not able to assume roles)
  • [WFP-3981] ✨ CLI - Re-use existing session if present (unless explicit --expire or --force-new requested) in wf access cluster|namespace|env
  • [WFP-3981] ✨ CLI - Make default expiry time 1hr in wf access cluster|namespace|env
  • [WFP-3975] ✨ UI - Add example command to set kubeconfig in cluster access instructions
  • [WFP-3981] 🐛 Fix --no-context-change in wf access cluster|namespace|env
  • [WFP-3047] 🐛 CLI - Don't prevent wf access if not a member of the workspace locally in CLI - defer to the access policy

Peering improvements

Validation and required fields have been improved on peering rules, and the error handling on the resulting peerings has been improved to better identify issues with peering set-up.

  • [WFP-3987] ✨ Improve validation of peering rules, tidy required fields per provider
  • ✨ Add clearer error reporting to Peering status on Azure
  • [WFP-4082] 🐛 Ensure peering rules have a status so wf apply --wait-for-ready works with peering rules
  • [WFP-3979] 🐛 UI - Improve Peering rule form
  • [WFP-3998] 🐛 UI - Prevent Peering Rule form from refreshing on edit

Other enhancements and new features

  • [WFP-4096] ✨ Support Azure Virtual Network Service Endpoints in networks/plans
  • [WFP-3966] ✨ Ensure CloudAccessConfig dependencies are checked on delete:
    • Clusters
    • ClusterNetworks
    • AppEnvs
    • DNSZones / GlobalDNSZones
    • PeeringRules
  • [WFP-4003] ✨ Add unique reqID to troubleshooting logs for each reconcile & API/webhook request
  • [WFP-4032] ✨ Update Kyverno policy to support internal-ingress network policy objects for cert-manager challenges
  • [WFP-3959] ✨ CLI - Add error if attempting to delete non-existent member with wf delete member
  • [WFP-4151] ✨ UI - Add table refresh button for our common tables
    • Refresh button now available on most tables in UI
    • Improved efficiency on refreshing to load table instead of individual rows when rows are in progress
  • ✨ Update default Terranetes version to v0.7.8

Bug Fixes

  • [WFP-4055] 🐛 Validate that spec.key is set equal to on a workspace
  • [WFP-4001] 🐛 Fail early for app with name 'wf-' so it doesn't break at deployment time
  • [WFP-3956] 🐛 Fix user invites (to workspaces) and invite generation
  • [WFP-4054] 🐛 Don't create appdns zones if no cloud access config available
  • [WFP-3960] 🐛 CLI - Make wf get members work correctly for non-admins
  • [WFP-4065] 🐛 CLI - Improve wf create cloudaccessconfig output formatting; fix --role-name
  • [WFP-4019] 🐛 UI - Fix users link on workspace overview page
  • [WFP-4002] 🐛 UI - Prevent 'Access' item in 'Cloud access' section from losing highlight when 'Cloud Identites' tab selected
  • [WFP-3958] 🐛 UI - Render correct fields in Cloud Access configuration permissions step when authentication type is changed for existing cloud access
  • [WFP-4090] 🐛 UI - Update doc URLs on access token usage modal
  • [WFP-4145] 🐛 UI - Fix redirect on creating or saving a Cloud Resource Plan

Release v2.5.1


See Get the CLI for instructions.

New UI navigation structure

This release introduces new, clearer navigation to the UI. Clusters can now be found in both workspace and administrative sections, allowing workspace members to see their own clusters.

New Navigation

Other enhancements and new features

  • [WF-3838] ✨ Support for 'user defined routing' outbound type on Azure AKS clusters
  • [WF-3929] ✨ Add estimated cost for control plane cost for Azure 'paid' SKU clusters
  • [WF-3855 / WF-3856] ✨ Provide a set of environment variables to deployed apps describing the runtime environment provided by Wayfinder
  • [WF-3890] ✨ Allow AppEnvs to specify a reference to a CloudAccessConfig (needed where more than one cloud access configuration is provided to a workspace for a given stage)
  • [WF-3540] ✨ Narrow the permissions required for GCP roles
  • [WF-3947] ✨ Remove support for legacy auth proxy (this was replaced by our new kube proxy component in v2.4)
  • [WF-3896] ✨ Add validation to Peering resources if directly applied
  • [WF-3970] ✨ Improve validation of cloudaccessconfig types

Bug Fixes

  • [WF-3943] 🐛 UI - Show dependency errors consistently on delete
  • [WF-3945] 🐛 Ensure app components are successfully deleted if their owning app is deleted
  • [WF-3949] 🐛 Ensure workspace owners can delete their own workspaces

Release v2.4.6


See Get the CLI for instructions.

Enhancements / New features

  • [WF-3792] ✨ CLI - Add wf logs command to follow and view Wayfinder logs
  • [WF-3969] ✨ UI - Remove the downloaded wf.tgz in the CLI download tip
  • [WF-3944] ✨ Restrict cloud access configuration in workspaces to Wayfinder admins

Bug Fixes

  • [WF-3990] 🐛 Fix AKS node pool OS type handling
  • [WF-3977] 🐛 UI - Fix incorrect cluster in access cluster modal
  • [WF-3968] 🐛 UI - Show correct value for number of clusters using a clusternetworkplan
  • [WF-3950] 🐛 Allow non-admins to perform cost estimates and retrieve metadata for building clusters
  • [WF-3926] 🐛 Enforce correctly against deployments when preventing use of cert-manager labels

Release v2.4.5


See Get the CLI for instructions.

Enhancements / New features

  • [WF-3928] ✨ Update terranetes (to v0.7.5) to support Azure Workload Identity auth
  • [WF-3926] ✨ Add default policy to allow cert-manager to perform HTTP01 challenges
  • [WF-3888] ✨ Add Azure AKS services network range to cluster spec
    • We recommend updating your existing AKS cluster plans to specify a fixed range to use to assign Kubernetes service IP addresses from.
    • It is safe to use the same range on all your clusters, thus specifying an allocated IP range of type 'Services' is now deprecated on Azure and will be removed in a future release.
  • [WF-3925] ✨ Stop reserving half of the allocated IP range on AKS
    • Previously, the subnet created for an AKS cluster was half the size of the allocated network, with the rest reserved for future use.
    • This is no longer the case, so any new AKS clusters will use the whole allocated range for their subnet.
    • This will not affect any existing clusters.

Bug Fixes

  • 🐛 UI - Address "All" cluster list tab not showing resources on initial navigation
  • [WF-3822 fixup] 🐛 Use workspace list API on users page, fixes invalid context error

Release v2.4.4


See Get the CLI for instructions.

Enhancements / New features

  • [WF-3915] ✨ Add support for configuring AWS Transit Gateway routing when peering
  • [WF-3751] ✨ Add PeeringAcceptor permission to cloud access configuration for all clouds
  • [WF-3882] ✨ Ensure cached kubeproxy connections are expired before they time out (prevents occasional 401 errors accessing clusters)
  • [WF-3921] ✨ CLI - Make CLI HTTP client timeout overridable via WAYFINDER_HTTP_CLIENT_TIMEOUT environment variable (set to e.g. 30s)

Bug Fixes

  • [WF-3895] 🐛 Correct handling of 'Not Found' errors in Azure peering provider
  • [WF-3920] 🐛 CLI - Handle resources with a 'nil' common status in wf apply --wait-for-ready
  • [WF-3803] 🐛 Fix over-zealous validation for overlapping peering address ranges
  • [WF-3822] 🐌 Improve performance of workspace overview APIs used by the UI

Release v2.4.3


See Get the CLI for instructions.

Cross-cloud Web Identity support

  • With credential-free access to AWS, Azure and GCP, you can now use Wayfinder's web identity to authenticate Wayfinder into your entire cloud estate, regardless of the cloud in which Wayfinder is hosted (installed)
  • Benefits of credential-free access:
    • When hosted in AWS use an AWS IAM role for Service Account (IRSA) identity to give Wayfinder access to AWS accounts, Azure subscriptions and GCP projects
    • When hosted in Azure use Entra (formerly Azure AD) Workload Identity to give Wayfinder access to Azure subscriptions, AWS accounts and GCP projects
    • When hosted in GCP use GCP Workload Identity to give Wayfinder access to GCP projects, AWS accounts and Azure subscriptions
  • Reference public Terraform modules to install Wayfinder with the above identities configured on each cloud (AWS, Azure, GCP)
  • Reference public Terraform modules to provision the required access for Wayfinder to each AWS account, Azure subscription or GCP project
  • Complete overhaul of UI to guide and validate the configuration of cloud access and generate the YAML for your CI process
  • New, simplified version of the CloudIdentity and CloudAccessConfig resources to make the configuration clearer and more readable

Includes the following new features and improvements:

  • [WF-3552] ✨ Add CloudAccessCheck resource to perform a validation flow for cloud identities and permissions
    • [WF-3685] ✨ Validate AWS permissions using SimulatePolicyPrincipal API
    • [WF-3687] ✨ Validate Azure permissions by parsing applied policies
    • [WF-3826] ✨ List missing permissions when permission checks fail on all three clouds
    • [WF-3901] ✨ Ignore AWS organisation 'Service Control Policy' permission failures when assessing role validity on AWS
    • [WF-3769] ✨ Auto-cleanup of old CloudAccessCheck resources once the check is complete
  • Remove dependency on specific naming convetions for:
    • [WF-3783] ✨ CloudAccessConfig resource names
    • [WF-2491] ✨ CloudAccessConfig permission AWS role names
    • ✨ CloudIdentity resource names
  • [WF-3840] ✨ Improved validation of all cloud access properties
  • [WF-3834] ✨ Don't block reconciliation of clusters, networks, DNS zones if cloud access permissions out of date, only if inaccessible
  • [WF-3737] ✨ Add cloud permissions API
    • [WF-3724] ✨ CLI - Add wf describe cloudpermission
  • ✨ Provide reference cloud access Terraform modules that can set up the required access for Wayfinder in your AWS/GCP/Azure accounts:
  • [WF-3746] ✨ CLI - Implement improved wf create cloudidentity and wf create cloudaccessconfig commands
    • ✨ CLI - Add --for-workload-identity flag to wf create cloudidentity to create a cloud identity for the workload identity provided to Wayfinder at install
  • Migrate from deprecated Azure AD Pod Identity to supported Entra (formerly Azure AD) Workload Identity:
    • [WF-3659] ✨ Migrate AKS cluster provider to use new Azure SDK with Azure AD Workload Identity support
    • [WF-3703] ✨ Migrate Azure authentication to use new Azure SDK with Azure AD Workload Identity support
    • [WF-3662] ✨ Migrate Azure DNS provider to use new Azure SDK with Azure AD Workload Identity support
    • [WF-3663] ✨ Migrate WorkloadIdentity controller to provision Entra / Azure AD Workload Identities instead of AzureAD Pod Identities
    • ✨ Migrate Azure network provider to use the new Azure SDK
    • [WF-3664] ✨ Remove AAD Pod Identity package from default packages and install
  • [WF-3674] Removed cloud organisation / cloud account factory support
  • [WF-3550] Removed wf setup cloudaccessconfig and wf setup cloudidentity commands (replaced by the reference Terraform modules and wf create cloudaccesscconfig / wf create cloudidentity)

New Kubernetes API proxy for managed clusters

  • Provides a consistent API to access clusters managed by Wayfinder without needing direct network connectivity
  • Allows full access to API of managed clusters via UI, subject to your configured access policies:
    • UI now uses same RBAC as wf access cluster - request access to clusters as you need them right from UI, subject to the same policies that govern all cluster access
    • Much improved pod log support with dynamic filtering and following
    • Shell support to exec into pods for debugging, provided user has an access policy permitting this
  • [WF-3721] ✨ Full TLS verification when accessing clusters via kubectl
  • Removes need for an authentication load balancer for each cluster, reducing cluster costs
  • Provides same IP address filtering as existing auth proxy
  • As all access is made via Wayfinder's API, cluster access is audited as per all other Wayfinder operations
  • Existing auth proxy deprecated and disabled by default in new installs, support for it for existing installs will be removed in an upcoming release

New troubleshooting section

  • Provides access to Wayfinder's own controller, API, kube proxy and webhook logs from UI
  • Tail and filter logs to debug isuses with your configuration

Improvements and other new features

  • [WF-3901] ✨ Ignore regions which are denied by AWS service control policies in metadata
  • ✨ Add Azure DevOps-compatible WF toolbox image -
  • [WF-3869] ✨ Allow additional node pools to be specified with zero minimum size
  • [WF-3881] ✨ Support --ca-file on wf login, improve API client logging when used with --verbose
  • [WF-3848] UI - Show message when no IP ranges exist in network range table
  • ✨ Remove persistence of asset identifiers into database (was no longer used/required)
  • [WF-3719] ✨ Support Azure AKS node image security update option
  • [WF-3284] ✨ Remove unused windowduration property from cluster plan
  • [WF-3749] ✨ Show clusters using a given ClusterNetworkPlan in UI
  • [WF-3427] ✨ Allow binding of the same role multiple times to an access token, introduce new assume/assign/kubesessions subresources for consistent web interface and CLI behaviour
  • ✨ CLI - Use new 'assume' subresource in wf access cluster
  • [WF-3793] ✨ Helm chart improvements:
    • Option to generate a single cert
    • Add default CA if secret not provided
    • Remove some unused options
    • [WF-3720] ✨ Allow local logins to be completely disabled
  • [WF-2912, WF-2891] ✨ Use secure, HTTPS-only cookies instead of bearer tokens for UI authentication - allows opening new tabs without re-authenticating and improves security
  • [WF-3717] ✨ Respect upstream IDP refresh tokens if provided - ensures users removed from IDP are blocked as soon as their upstream token indicates expiry
  • ✨ Replace hard-coded default deny network policy with kyverno policy doing the same

Bug Fixes

  • [WF-3904] 🐛 Ensure we only trigger reconciliation of cloudmeta when relevant condition of cloud access changes, not on any update
  • [WF-3612] 🐛 Validate name of environment variables on app components are populated
  • [WF-3493] 🐛 Fix issue handling empty Linux/Windows profile on AKS cluster build (prevented copying default AKS cluster plans)
  • 🐛 Prevent package releases showing 'Success' when required DNS zone dependencies are unmet
  • [WF-3734] 🐛 Ensure cluster exists before pre-cluster deletion logic
  • [WF-3642] 🐛 Cannot edit ClusterPlan if ClusterNetworkPlan disabled
  • [WF-3892] 🐛 CLI - Fix wf create member for usernames containing '@' characters
  • [WF-2560] 🐛 CLI - Set namespace correctly when using wf access namespace
  • 🐛 CLI - Don't refresh tokens if there's no refresh tokens (prevents edge case where lack of refresh token blocks CLI indefinitely)
  • [WF-3564] 🐛 UI - Highlight validation error by navigating to correct pane or scrolling to issue
  • [WF-3680] 🐛 UI - Fix app component list occasionally showing components from other app

Release v2.3.3


See Get the CLI for instructions.

Enhancements / New features

  • [WF-3690] ✨ Add namespaceType label to all namespaces managed by Wayfinder in child clusters

Bug Fixes

  • [WF-3691] 🐛 Fix EKS KMS key alias deletion when alias not created
  • [WF-3689] 🐛 Check if assignablenetwork spec has changed when checking for dependencies

Release v2.3.2


See Get the CLI for instructions.

Bug Fixes

  • [WF-3682] 🐛 Allow access token network manager roles to manage ClusterNetworks and ClusterNetworkPlans

Release v2.3.1


See Get the CLI for instructions.


Wayfinder now includes a cluster's network configuration within the cluster plan's setup. This streamlines the creation and definition of cluster plans while providing greater transparency regarding the anticipated cluster network assignments when utilising a specific cluster plan. Please be aware that this modification introduces breaking changes, as detailed in the sections below.

Breaking changes

  • NetworkFabricPlan renamed to ClusterNetworkPlan - update your CI definitions, existing ones will be migrated.
  • NetworkFabric renamed to ClusterNetwork
  • AssignableNetwork 'Stages' property deprecated in favour of a single 'Stage' - update your CI definitions, existing ones will be migrated.

Action required

  • If you have any existing NetworkFabricPlan resources stored in a repository, you must migrate those to use the new API type. To do this:

    • Change the kind from NetworkFabricPlan to ClusterNetworkPlan
    • Remove any 'spec.allocation' - cluster network plans are now implicitly available via the allocation of cluster plans.
    • If using assignable networks, specify which assignable networks to use by populating spec.assignableNetworks (previously this implicitly used all configured ranges)
    • Post upgrade, ensure that you update Wayfinder CLI to v2.3.1 locally and in CI
  • To use EKS secrets encryption, the following additional IAM permissions are required for Wayfinder's ClusterManager role to manage KMS keys for EKS:

      - kms:CreateKey
    - kms:ScheduleKeyDeletion
    - kms:TagResource
    - kms:CreateAlias
    - kms:DeleteAlias
    - kms:UpdateAlias
    - kms:ListKeys
    - kms:ListAliases
    - kms:DescribeKey
    - kms:ListResourceTags

Alterations to existing CLI behaviour

  • wf apply --diff no longer supported. Use wf diff command instead.
  • If differences are found with wf diff command, then it will now exit with 0, unless you run it with --fail-on-diff flag.

Cluster networking (Bug Fixes / New Features)

  • [WF-3250] ✨ Rename NetworkFabric and NetworkFabricPlan to ClusterNetwork and ClusterNetworkPlan in API
  • [WF-3250] ✨ Deprecate 'Stages' on an AssignableNetwork, only support a single 'Stage' (existing AssignableNetworks will be migrated)
  • [WF-3524] ✨ Migrate existing NetworkFabrics and NetworkFabricPlans to ClusterNetworks and ClusterNetworkPlans
  • [WF-3397] ✨ Add NetworkAllocations and status to ClusterNetworkPlan API object
  • [WF-3411] ✨ Remove allocations from ClusterNetworkPlan spec
  • [WF-3410] ✨ Improve Assignable Network validation
    • [WF-3414] ✨ Check for collisions when creating assignable networks
    • 🐛 Fix incorrect validation error index on overlapping assignable network ranges
  • [WF-3383, WF-3418, WF-3419] ✨ Provide networking details, capacity information and validation on the status of ClusterNetworkPlans
    • ✨ Make cluster network plan controller less stateful and more deterministic
  • [WF-3416] ✨ Validate ClusterNetworkPlans for assigned ranges and fixed IPs
  • [WF-3412, WF-3415] ✨ Validate that network ranges removed from plans are not in use
  • [WF-3580] 🐛 Perform network ranges size validation per provider and range type
    • [WF-3581] ✨ Correct array notation on invalid CIDR block size validation message
    • [WF-3582] 🐛 Don't continue with range validation if invalid CIDRs are specified
  • [WF-3567] ✨ Block deletion of ClusterNetworkPlan if cluster networks referencing it exist
  • [WF-3383] ✨ Add API endpoint to describe a network from a proposed spec
  • [WF-3621] ✨ Don't allow a cluster network plan to be deleted if cluster networks reference it
  • [WF-3421, WF-3467] ✨ Use only the AssignableNetworks specified on a ClusterNetworkPlan when allocating IPs to new networks
  • [WF-3660] ✨ Remove default assignable networks and make default plans editable (our default plans will no longer be provided in v2.4, in favour of example plans)

  • [WF-3608] ✨ UI - Tweaks to cluster network table
  • [WF-3611] ✨ UI - conditionally display network details
  • ✨ UI - Update cluster network plan view mode from old style
  • [WF-3577] ✨ UI - Cluster networking - remove VPC & subnets radio + copy change
  • [WF-3381] ✨ UI - Add cluster network list to cluster networking page
  • [WF-3578] 🐛 UI - Fix for incorrect error message toast displaying when saving a cluster plan
  • [WF-3210] ✨ UI - show network description when creating a ClusterNetworkPlan
  • [WF-3572] 🐛 UI - Show service field for azure on assignable network form
  • [WF-3576] ✨ UI - After adding a new cluster network plan, make it the selected one by default
  • [WF-3579] 🐛 UI - Fix breadcrumb on cluster network plan page
  • [WF-3565] ✨ UI - Move IP address ranges (and the management of) to updated Cluster networking page
  • [WF-3538] ✨ UI - Update cluster networking page to use update cluster network plan form
  • [WF-3517] ✨ UI - Implement cluster network plan form (via cluster plan)
  • [WF-3210] ✨ UI - Implement updated networking tab on cluster plan form
  • [WF-3522] 🐛 UI - Update Network assignments page to use stage property (rather than stages)

EKS Encryption (New Feature)

EKS clusters now support enabling AWS's EKS secrets encryption. This can be enabled in cluster settings and cluster plans for EKS. Enabling it will cause a new KMS key to be created for a new cluster, and that cluster configured to use it for envelope encryption of Kubernetes secrets. This can only be enabled on new clusters at this time.

  • [WF-3503] ✨ Implement optional secrets envelope encryption for EKS
  • [WF-3502] ✨ Add API support for EKS secrets encryption
  • [WF-3508] ✨ Validate EKS encryption settings as immutable
  • [WF-3504] ✨ UI - Add configuration of EKS encryption
  • [WF-3505, WF-3507] ✨ Populate EKS encryption status and show on UI
  • [WF-3506] ✨ Turn on EKS secrets encryption by default in the eks-hardened plan

Misc (Bug Fixes / New Features)

  • [WF-3463] ✨ Validate stage deletion - block if cloud access configs, global DNS zones or clusters exist in the stage
  • [WF-3596] ✨ Update auth proxy HorizontalPodAutoscaler to API version v2 (required for K8S v1.26)
  • [WF-3598] ✨ Allow --force to override delete dependency checks
  • [WF-3599] ✨ Add 'localadmin' user management to helm chart values
  • [WF-3568] 🐛 Fix workspace occasionally going to 'Success' status before all elements are ready
  • [WF-3485] 🐛 Use high (but not system) priority level for Kyverno package (allows install on GCP)
  • [WF-3494] 🐛 Reconcile app DNS zones when the status of a global DNS zone changes (addresses race condition causing delayed DNS configuration where global DNS zone added and applications already exist)
  • [WF-3571] 🐛 Ensure 'create' API operations cannot overwrite existing resources
  • [WF-3566] 🐛 Fix regression in GCP service account handling for Workload Identity
  • [WF-3147] 🐛 Update the ingress-nginx package to apply the correct flags
  • ✨ UI - Display dependency errors on deletion
  • ✨ UI - Attempt to display underlying error messages from API where structured error handling fails
  • [WF-3280] 🐛 / ✨ UI - Hide delete action when resource is already deleting
  • [WF-3518] 🐛 UI - Fix error deleting cluster created from app env which no longer exists
  • [WF-3633] 🐛 UI - Fix error creating a new, blank GKE cluster plan
  • [WF-3498] ✨ CLI - Remove wf apply --diff option (use wf diff instead)
  • [WF-3499] ✨ CLI - Make wf diff exit 0 if differences found unless run with --fail-on-diff
  • [WF-3535] 🐛 CLI - Validate workspace/name on get cloudaccessconfigdependents
  • [WF-3495] 🐛 CLI - Make deploy --wait-for-ready only wait for the components being deployed
  • [WF-3516] 🐛 CLI - Correct ClusterNetworkPlan and KubernetesUpdate CLI resource types
  • [WF-3279] 🐛 CLI - Improve error message for wf delete with a non-existent object
  • [WF-3466] 🐛 CLI - Add missing --force, --owner, --dry-run and --no-wait flags to wf delete cluster command

Release v2.2.1


See Get the CLI for instructions.

Enhancements / New features

  • [WF-3405] ✨ Verify referenced container secrets and component image pull secrets are present when using wf deploy
  • [WF-3511] ✨ Update wftoolbox docker image - add 'bash', update kubectl to v1.25.12 and kustomise to v5.1.1

Bug Fixes

  • [WF-3516] 🐛 Correct client-side validation of NetworkFabricPlan and KubernetesUpdate resources with wf apply
  • [WF-3501] 🐛 CLI - Correct name column and add username column for wf get users
  • [WF-3520] 🐛 CLI - Support --plan in wf create appcomponent
  • [WF-3514] 🐛 UI - Allow editing of quota limits for multi-tenant namespaces
  • [WF-3519] 🐛 UI - show the replicas value correctly on existing application components

Release v2.2.0


See Get the CLI for instructions.

Important notes - actions required on upgrade from 2.1 to 2.2
  1. The 'components' field of the Application CRD has been deprecated in favour of a dedicated new AppComponent resource. All existing Applications will be migrated on upgrade with AppComponents created automatically. If you are managing your Applications from an external source via wf apply, you should update these definitions.

  2. Kubernetes v1.24 has reached the end of its support window, so in Wayfinder v2.2 new clusters must use (at minimum) v1.25. Please review any existing cluster plans which specify v1.24 and update to v1.25 or later before upgrading.

Application Component enhancements

With this release, we have enhanced the configurability of application components to allow many more use cases to be served. Retaining the simplicity of the defaults, you can optionally now provide more advanced configuration:

  • Specify multiple containers
  • Specify specific user and group IDs to execute as
  • Provide environment variables and image pull secrets from existing secrets
  • Override entry point and arguments for the containers
  • Specify multiple ports to expose on a service, and choose which one to expose externally
  • Specify custom labels to be applied to all deployed resources

Underlying this change, we have introduced a new AppComponent resource. The container definition uses the same fields and values as Kubernetes' own container definition, meaning if you graduate to managing your own manifests, the definition should be immediately familiar.

Enhancements / New features

  • [WF-3271 / WF-3202] ✨ Add dedicated resource for AppComponent and migrate components from existing Applications
  • [WF-3392] ✨ Update Kyverno scheduling priority to avoid risk of it being pre-empted in a cluster
  • [WF-3058] ✨ CLI - Add delete confirmation for clusters, namespaces and applications with components
  • [WF-2507] ✨ CLI - Enhance wf help get and wf help delete to list all resource types
  • [WF-3056] ✨ CLI - Validate field keys in wf apply so it errors if unknown/invalid fields are included in an applied file
  • [WF-3017] ✨ CLI - Make wf create user --dry-run consistent with other create commands
  • [WF-3015] ✨ CLI - Make wf create namespace --dry-run consistent with other create commands
  • [WF-3238] ✨ UI - Show warning prompt when attempting to delete a global DNS zone
  • [WF-3292] ✨ UI - Update admin side menu so plans are all in one place
  • [WF-3257] ✨ UI - Give a useful error message when trying to enable/disable plans
  • [WF-3205] ✨ UI - Update cluster plan form to use vertical tabs for sections

Bug Fixes

  • [WF-3386] 🐛 Wait 5 minutes for packages in deleting clusters to be deleted, then continue with cluster deletion
  • [WF-3212] 🐛 Use correct release name when removing helm release from the cluster
  • [WF-3138] 🐛 Fix DNS zone tags
  • [WF-3236] 🐛 Ensure cluster status correctly reflects cluster updates
  • [WF-3293] 🐛 CLI - Fix no --output flag causing validate error on wf create namespace
  • [WF-3232] 🐛 CLI - Set export and eject directory and file perms
  • [WF-3171] 🐛 UI - Make Package / Cluster update button clearer, don't show on superceded updates
  • [WF-3363] 🐛 UI - Fix channel/version issue when saving a copied cluster plan
  • [WF-3240] 🐛 UI - Cluster deletion message shows undefined
  • [WF-3367] 🐛 UI - Make Workspace table text visible in dark mode if not a member of any workspaces
  • [WF-3364] 🐛 UI - Ensure CIDR length is a number before posting
  • [WF-3197] 🐛 UI - Make sure admins can access users page of workspaces they don't own

Release v2.1.2


See Get the CLI for instructions.

Enhancements / New features

  • [WF-3196] ✨ Implement app DNS for app-envs on multi-tenant clusters

Bug fixes

  • [WF-3230] 🐛 Allow creation of an app if you have a multi-tenant cluster shared with your workspace, even if no cloud access configured
  • [WF-3226] 🐛 Mutate on an empty values object when no package values supplied by user
  • [WF-3219] 🐛 Allow Wayfinder itself to make changes to clusters when a plan-policy prevents users from making those changes, allowing it to manage versions
  • [WF-3200] 🐛 UI - Make labels editable/uneditable correctly on cluster plan/settings form
  • [WF-3186] 🐛 UI - Allow user to navigate directly to a namespace resource tab
  • [WF-3215] 🐛 Create and manage package updates respecting the package selectors, clear defunct updates on package delete, and fix CLI cluster column on package updates
  • [WF-3187] 🐛 Correctly remove detargeted clusters and namespaces when updating global cluster policies
  • [WF-3199] 🐛 UI - Remove erroneous uniqueness validation on workspace key when updating a workspace
  • [WF-3170] 🐛 CLI - Don’t update object if unchanged in wf edit
  • [WF-3172] 🐛 Fix for custom package Repositories
  • [WF-2862] 🐛 CLI - Allow cascading deletion of Global DNS Zones

Release v2.1.1


See Get the CLI for instructions.

Important note - action required on upgrade from 2.0 to 2.1

With this release, we have aligned the 'version' property of clusters and cluster plans with the values supported natively by the cloud providers. On AWS, this means that the version property must now be set to a Kubernetes major.minor (such as 1.24), as EKS does not support setting a full patch version (such as 1.24.11).

Any existing AWS EKS clusters will have their spec automatically migrated to the correct major.minor after Wayfinder is upgraded (this will not cause any changes to the cluster in AWS).

Any custom EKS cluster plans which specify a version must be updated to the desired major.minor version after Wayfinder is upgraded. If this action is not completed, the plan will not be usable for new clusters.

Support for Kubernetes v1.25

Wayfinder 2.1 introduces support for Kubernetes v1.25 on all three cloud providers.

  • [WF-3133] ✨ Update default Kubernetes version on all three clouds to v1.25 for new clusters
  • [WF-3191] ✨ Align Kubernetes version handling with the cloud-provider supported syntax for all three clouds:
    • AWS: Only major.minor (e.g. 1.25) now supported - previously the patch version was allowed to be specified, but would be ignored
      • Any existing clusters which specify a full version on their spec will be migrated to major.minor.
      • See action required above - any existing cluster plans which specify major.minor.patch (e.g. 1.25.1) must be updated to a major.minor (e.g. 1.25) after upgrading to v2.1.
    • Azure: Only major.minor.patch (e.g. 1.25.1) supported (no change)
    • GCP: major.minor (e.g. 1.25), major.minor.patch (e.g. 1.25.1), and major.minor.patch-gkepatch (e.g. 1.25.1-gke.1500) supported
    • Cluster plans and clusters are now validated against these syntaxes and against supported versions
  • [WF-2843, WF-2771] ✨ Update dependencies to support K8S v1.25:
    • Cert Manager (v1.9.1 to v1.12.0)
    • External DNS (v6.2.4 to v6.20.3)
    • Ingress-NGINX (v4.2.0 to v4.6.1)
    • Kyverno (v2.6.5 to v2.7.3)
    • Terranetes Controller (v0.4.2 to v0.6.8 - including setting MSI details when deploying on Azure)
    • Amazon EKS: Tigera Operator (v3.23.2 to v3.25.1)
    • Amazon EKS: Metrics Server (v3.8.2 to v3.10.0)
    • Amazon EKS: Cluster Autoscaler (v9.21.0 to v9.29.0)
    • Amazon EKS: EBS CSI Driver (v2.18.0 to v2.19.0)
    • Azure AKS: AAD Pod Identity (v4.1.12 to v4.1.17)

Enhancements / New features

  • [WF-3069] ✨ Add wf diff command, align behaviour with kubectl diff
  • [WF-2946] ✨ Add EKS image field to node pool, allowing selection of any supported EKS image type
  • [WF-2921] ✨ Reduce scope of AWS security group ports for private clusters to the minimum required
  • [WF-3145] ✨ Show package release in action required, rather than pending, state if cluster in error state
  • [WF-3073] ✨ Remove overbearing client-side finalizer validation from wf apply (allows wf get -o yaml to be piped to wf apply -f -)
  • [WF-2825] ✨ Ensure updates to container registry secrets are distributed when the secret itself is updated
  • [WF-3080] ✨ Add more useful messages to package validation indicating how to set version correctly
  • [WF-3090] ✨ Improve wf export to only export configmaps and secrets for workspace namespaces
  • [WF-3081] ✨ Exclude AuditEvents from wf export (these are not resources so cannot be exported in this manner)
  • [WF-3037] ✨ Improve headers for wf get nodepool output
  • [WF-2635] ✨ Display multiple server-side errors nicely in a single toast
  • [WF-3190] ✨ Add requests for Wayfinder resources to the helm chart
  • [WF-3048, WF-3049] ✨ Add support for reconciliation pausing, add pause/resume reconciliation CLI commands

App, component and app environment improvements:

  • [WF-3030] ✨ Add available ingress classes to appenv status and use in manifest generation
    • This allows custom ingress controller deployments to be detected and used when generating manifests for app components
  • [WF-2982] ✨ Improve example deploy commands in "How to deploy" modal
  • [WF-2557, WF-2672] ✨ Block cluster deletion if there are existing appenvs, unless delete cascaded
    • This prevents appenvs causing clusters to be re-created after deletion
  • [WF-3074, WF-2908] ✨ Improve wf deploy / wf deploy component help text

Bug fixes

  • [WF-3071] 🐛 Ensure Node Pool updates are only generated for immutable changes to the node pool definition
    • This unblocks making non-immutable changes to node pools, which could become stuck previously
  • [WF-3079] 🐛 Correct generated secret name for helm releases that use custom secrets
  • [WF-2893] 🐛 Remove owner (if applicable) when a member is removed from workspace
  • [WF-2893] 🐛 Fix various quirks with workspace users page
  • [WF-3094] 🐛 Ensure cluster plan labels are saved correctly
  • [WF-2999] 🐛 Clean up form errors (duplicate toasts etc.)
  • [WF-3067] 🐛 Fix application component key validation/generation with max-length keys
  • [WF-3063] 🐛 Use appenv when looking up the env - addresses not being able to deploy to an env if it had the same name as the app
  • [WF-2937] 🐛 Show access rather than deploy command for components of type OwnManifest
  • [WF-2931] 🐛 Fix deploy --eject for apps with ownmanifests components
  • [WF-3036] 🐛 Fix app list empty row in dark mode
  • [WF-2671] 🐛 Improve default input variable handling on cloud resource plans
  • [WF-3077] 🐛 Ensure empty-both-sides pass plan validation on cloud resource component updates in apps
  • [WF-3107] 🐛 Support valuesFrom prefix and suffix on all package values and perform deep JSON merges on the values to allow configuration of complex structures
  • [WF-3125] 🐛 Add permissions allowing Azure clusters to use internal load balancers
  • [WF-3211] 🐛 Ensure app environments don't block deletion of clusters on cluster expiry
  • [WF-2751] 🐛 / ✨ Ensure defaults passed to CloudResourcePlan on creation

Release v2.0.5


See Get the CLI for instructions.

Enhancements / New features

  • [WF-3020] ✨ Make --dry-run on wf create workspace consistent with other commands
  • [WF-2772] ✨ Remove superseded un-applied package updates when newer updates are generated
  • [WF-2434] ✨ Add Application/Cloud Resource Plan policy validation
  • [WF-2844] ✨ Improve generic error handling across UI
  • [WF-2996] ✨ Allow admins to use wf export to export secret data for backup purposes
  • [WF-2892] ✨ Ensure disabled/deleted users are immediately blocked
  • [WF-2949] ✨ Add --diff flag to wf apply to show changes that will be applied
  • ✨ Improve description of network plan AWS specific fields

Bug fixes

  • [WF-3042] 🐛 Ensure deleted namespace claims are reconciled by container registry controller
  • [WF-2968] 🐛 Ensure cluster list is using unique key + tests
  • [WF-2939] 🐛 Ensure quotes in environment variables are handled correctly when generating app manifests
  • [WF-2966] 🐛 Ensure node pool fields are editable when editing from cluster plan / creating a cluster
  • [WF-2964] 🐛 Allow creation of clusters without a channel and validate channels are valid when specified
  • [WF-3004] 🐛 Ensure underlying namespace is deleted cleanly before removing namespace claim, and show meaningful error when the deletion is blocked
  • [WF-3007] 🐛 Fix specifying multiple node pool instances types in EKS
  • [WF-2989] 🐛 UI - Fix navigation into workspaces as admin when not a member of any workspaces
  • [WF-2993/2952] 🐛 Cluster page package list errors when the cluster has no channel

Release v2.0.4


See Get the CLI for instructions.

Bug fixes

[WF-2988] 🐛 Fix nodepool panic if cluster deleted rapidly after creation (#5042)

Release v2.0.3


See Get the CLI for instructions.

important note

In this release, we have introduced separate packages for public and private ingress which target different labels. In order to ensure existing clusters keep their public ingress, before upgrading, edit any existing clusters that you wish to keep public ingress controller in and add the label "true". This is added by default in our standard plans so any new clusters will have that by default. If you have any custom plans, ensure those have the label added as follow:

kind: ClusterPlan
clusterLabels: "true"

You can enable private/internal ingress in a similar manner in a plan or on a cluster with the label "true"

New features

  • [WF-2905] ✨ Use for application name in side nav and application list
  • [WF-2866] ✨ Add internal ingress controller for private clusters
  • [WF-2762] ✨ Use availability zones to set subnets and NAT gateways (AWS)
  • [WF-2797] ✨ Show the user that something is happening when they decide to delete their application
  • [WF-2819] ✨ Do not create cloud access configurations as part of install
  • [WF-2735] ✨ Add owner flag to delete and edit commands
  • [WF-2851] ✨ Show Wayfinder instance identifier with wf serverinfo
  • [WF-2717] ✨ Only show enabled clouds on cloud access screen
  • [WF-2828] ✨ Ignore unparseable files and don't get secrets in wf apply
  • [WF-2827] ✨ Implement 'wf dump' command to output Wayfinder configuration to disk
  • [WF-2796] ✨ Hide internal implicit groups
  • [WF-2279] ✨ Add UI for network plans
  • [WF-2791] ✨ Use user's group memberships in UI to display/hide sections
  • [WF-2812] ✨ Add region label to network fabric
  • [WF-2812] ✨ Add region label to Cluster
  • [WF-2756] ✨ Cluster plan UI - make network fabric plan configurable
  • [WF-2779] ✨ Make wf apply --dry-run consistent with kubectl apply --dry-run
  • [WF-2760] ✨ Add fields for network understanding
  • [WF-2764] ✨ Upgrade flux helm machinery, and make configurable
  • [WF-2577] ✨ Add wf follow command to watch resources to success/completion
  • [WF-2753] ✨ Show more useful details for own-manifest components
  • [WF-2632] ✨ Improve messaging when trying to create an application with no clouds enabled
  • [WF-2615] ✨ Allow app environments to be re-ordered (UI)
  • [WF-2701] ✨ Implement initial deployment dashboard
  • [WF-2594] ✨ Improve copy in cloud identity UI
  • [WF-2829] ✨ Add network policies for component-to-component dependencies in generated app manifests
  • [WF-2954] ✨ Freeze opinion-default packages and cluster policies if updated
  • [WF-2660] ✨ Implement whitelist annotation to ingress in generated app manifests
  • [WF-2521] ✨ Add validation for whitelist field on component form
  • [WF-2874] ✨ Strip dashes from AWS account ID on cloud configuration UI
  • [WF-2929] ✨ UI: remove strange transition on TLS/expose switches in app
  • [WF-2944] ✨ Don't block cloud access if role hash is out of date
  • [WF-2899] ✨ Add availability zone ID support to AWS VPCs / network plans
  • [WF-2733] ✨ UI - Move networking stuff into developer self service menu
  • [WF-2718/WF-1603] ✨ Validate cluster versions against what we support
  • [WF-2637/WF-2763/WF-2759] ✨ Improvements to networkfabrics and assignablenetworks
  • [WF-2875/WF-2894/WF-2895] ✨ Support internal and external ingress on the same cluster
  • ✨ Re-reconcile action required cloud access configs every 30s
  • ✨ Enable container registy controller

Bug fixes

  • [WF-2896] 🐛 Dark mode obscures workspace selection
  • [WF-2879] 🐛 Fix merge order for cluster/network plan to spec, preventing plan overriding cluster spec
  • [WF-2901] 🐛 Cluster Creation, Cloudwatch logs not labelled correctly
  • [WF-2903] 🐛 Corrected small and large QuotaLimits for all EKS plans
  • [WF-2880] 🐛 Remove mask columns from UI (no longer on the spec)
  • [WF-2846] 🐛 Validate disabled network plans
  • [WF-2741] 🐛 Some routes break the back button (UI)
  • [WF-2719] 🐛 Correct user and admin counts in platform setup
  • [WF-2827] 🐛 UI doesn't handle nil value of TLS field in container component
  • [WF-2766] 🐛 Fix for users not showing in user search filter on audit page
  • [WF-2857] 🐛 Don't expose disabled network fabric plans to the cluster plan form
  • [WF-2863] 🐛 Add missing validation for workspace key
  • [WF-2742] 🐛 Remove old robot illustrations
  • [WF-2861] 🐛 Helm versions like 3.0.0-alpha.2-1 throw a validation error
  • [WF-2833] 🐛 Pods ready show undefined when ready replicas is nil
  • [WF-2757] 🐛 Show error and message from status (not just from conditions) on Cluster status page
  • [WF-2822] 🐛 Fix Cluster Plan enable and disable
  • [WF-2727] 🐛 Correct prompt for create admin cloudaccessconfig
  • [WF-2815] 🐛 Improve error messaging in the case of network fabric failures
  • [WF-2785] 🐛 Don't error if AWS IAM policy in use when removing IAM roles
  • [WF-2813] 🐛 Fix installer and AWS network validation
  • [WF-2810] 🐛 Do not overwrite default assignable networks if updated by users
  • [WF-2813] 🐛 Improve validation of network subnets for AWS
  • [WF-2809] 🐛 Fix AWS Transit Gateway attachments
  • [WF-2138] 🐛 Report on failed networks in cluster status
  • [WF-2788] 🐛 Can't deploy app if image tag is a number
  • [WF-2755] 🐛 Version unset when editing cluster plan
  • [WF-2807] 🐛 Allow users with viewall or workspace viewer groups to see apps and enabled clouds in workspaces
  • [WF-2783] 🐛 Show dependency deletion errors for workspace delete (UI)
  • [WF-2734] 🐛 Ensure modals do not get overlapped by any other element
  • [WF-2538] 🐛 Allow user to edit workspace once selected when creating a cluster
  • [WF-2750] 🐛 Return an understandable error if the component doesn't exist on a deploy
  • [WF-2740] 🐛 Ensure user can see what the current status of the Workspace is (e.g. if it's currently being deleted)
  • [WF-2558] 🐛 Unable to add new owners to workspaces
  • [WF-2782] 🐛 Ensure all non-success roles requeue the cloud access config
  • [WF-2730] 🐛 Show correct name for node pools in CLI
  • [WF-2745] 🐛 Fix viewing Users in access policies
  • [WF-2754] 🐛 Allow setup cloudidentity to be re-run, improve error messages
  • [WF-2725] 🐛 Improve validation in setup cloudaccess to prevent errors
  • [WF-1609] 🐛 Improve retry logic in install flow to prevent retryable errors failing the install
  • [WF-2728] 🐛 Correct stage on aws-prod assignable network
  • [WF-2578] 🐛 Fix user count on Wayfinder groups page
  • [WF-2681] 🐛 Omit applying org bindings when preparing GCP service accounts in setup identity/cloudaccessconfig unless required
  • [WF-2703] 🐛 Correct cloudaccessmanager IAM role
  • [WF-2468] 🐛 Display quota limit management tab correctly on cluster screens
  • [WF-2945] 🐛 Unable to set machine type on new node pools
  • [WF-2948] 🐛 Ensure node pools are deleted in cloud when removed from cluster spec
  • [WF-2944] 🐛 Add describe keys permission to EKS cluster manager role
  • [WF-2821] 🐛 Only users with correct access policies should see create access token button
  • [WF-2956] 🐛 Node pool form - fix AMI config visibility in dark mode
  • [WF-2907] 🐛 Heading colour fix in dark mode
  • [WF-2942] 🐛 Fix/improve package updates
  • [WF-2950] 🐛 UI - Ensure version mapping happens correctly on cluster update
  • [WF-2832] 🐛 wf get appenv should return the of the env not
  • [WF-2878] 🐛 UI - TLS value should be based on both container expose and TLS values
  • [WF-2978] 🐛 Fix role binding names for non-lower-case usernames
  • [WF-2979] 🐛 Fix appenv de-referencing in wf deploy app
  • [WF-2957] 🐛 UI - Workspace selector CSS fixes
  • [WF-2535] 🐛 Delete accessrolebindings when associated accessrole is deleted
  • [WF-2732/WF-2731] 🐛 UI - Add default network config and copying plan button
  • [WF-2743/WF-2744] 🐛 Fix broken access policy links
  • 🐛 Ensure deepcopys are performed correctly in cluster operators
  • 🐛 Log as progress, not warning, when endpoint not ready in auth proxy (expected situation)
  • 🐛 Allow workspace viewers to list members
  • 🐛 Remove incorrect Network Fabric CLI resource column
  • 🐛 Correct Peering Rule CLI columns
  • 🐛 Fix AWS Network Manager role typo

Release v2.0.2


See Get the CLI for instructions.