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Scenario 2: Control Stage and Workspace Scope

< overview | promote cluster plans

When to use?

Use this scenario when you want a tight scope on workspace visibility, but want to allow all stages. This is useful for testing new node pool limits across multiple cloud access configurations before a broad release.

Configuration Overview

Cluster Plan Promote Scenario 2

Initial configuration when first created

  • Stage: all (toggle should be off)
  • Workspace: test
  • Cloud Access: prod-test, platform-test, development-test
  • Visibility: The cluster plan is only visible to users in the test workspace. Clusters using this plan can be created using a cloud access that references any stage and test workspace.

  • Changes made: Kept inital configuration. Added app1Dev and app2Dev workspaces.
  • Updated Configuration:
    • Stages: all (toggle should be off)
    • Workspaces: test, app1Dev, app2Dev
    • Cloud Access: all 9 cloud access configurations
  • Updated Visibility: The cluster plan is now accessible to users in all workspaces and all stages.

Outline of steps

  1. Initial Setup: Create the initial version of your cluster plan without setting the stage scope (toggle is off), but scope the workspace to test.
  2. Validation: Validate your cluster plan against a test cluster given the cloud access.
  3. Promotion: Once validated, update the scope to:
    • Stages: all (toggle should be off)
    • Workspaces: test, app1Dev, app2Dev

CLI Instructions

  1. Get the yaml for your existing cluster plan:

wf get clusterplan aks-hardened --version 1.0.0 -o yaml > MYPLAN.yaml

This copies the the aks-hardened cluster plan and places it in a file MYPLAN.yaml.

  1. Edit the yaml for the stage and workspace as needed. In the following example yaml snippet, we've added "app1Dev" and "app2Dev" to the allowedWorkspaces property.
allStages: true
allWorkspaces: false
- test
- app1Dev <-- Added this
- app2Dev <-- Added this
  1. Thereafter, save your changes and apply the file:

wf apply -f MYPLAN.yaml

Web Interface Instructions

Note that in this example, we're expanding the initial scope from all stages and test workspace to include the app1Dev app2Dev workspaces.


  • Expand Admin, and then navigate to Kubernetes > Cluster Plans
  • Click on the Name of your cluster plan.
  • Click on the Version of the cluster plan that you want to premote to a wider scope.
  • Click the Edit button.
  • Navigate to the Scope section:
    • Keep the stage toggle off.
    • Select the workspaces that you want to include, such as "app1Dev" and "app2Dev"
  • Navigate to the Summary and ensure that the scope is as you intended.
  • Navigate to the YAML section and either Apply the YAML or use Wayfinder's CLI to apply it, or commit the YAML to your CI pipeline.


  • Initial Scope:
UI Selections Before

  • Updated Scope:
UI Selections Before

What comes next?