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Set the Scope for the Platform Secret (Terraform Repo)

< Purpose

Enhance security when accessing the Terraform repository by implementing more granular access control over the secret itself.

CLI Instructions

See the overview section for CLI details.

Web Interface Instructions

Steps for not limiting the scope:

  • Click the Continue button

Steps for limiting the scope:

  • Turn the toggle on for Restrict usage to one TerraformRepo
  • Fill in the details as described in the Properties section.
  • Click the Continue button


  • No Scope
Terraform Repo Unlimited Scope

  • Scoped
Terraform Repo Selected


Restrict usage to one TerraformRepo (toggle)Limit the scope
- Unselected (default): No scope - the secret is available to all cloud resources
- Selected: Scoped to specified URL
URL of the Terraform repository this secret is limited toThe URL of the Terraform repository that you want to limit the scope to

What comes next?

Set the values for the following static credentials:

See details for creating other Purposes: