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Benefits of Using Self-service Cluster Provisioning

< overview | introduction to self-service cluster provisioning

Self-service cluster provisioning enhances the way developers and other users set up and configure Wayfinder-managed Kubernetes clusters by enabling them to do so independently, without the need for direct intervention from administrators. This approach leverages predefined versioned configurations for the cluster settings, known as cluster plans, along with compute templates to suggest the scale and type of virtual machines (node instances) needed for the clusters.

By providing an optimal starting configuration that can be quickly deployed and customised, self-service cluster provisioning enhances flexibility, speed, and efficiency, empowering users to tailor clusters to their specific requirements while maintaining consistency and optimising resource use.

Empowerment and Independence

Developers and other users can independently set up and configure Kubernetes clusters without needing direct intervention from administrators. This autonomy accelerates development cycles and fosters innovation by reducing bottlenecks.

Speed and Efficiency

Predefined configurations, such as cluster plans and compute templates, allow for rapid deployment of clusters. Users can quickly start with an optimal configuration and customise it as needed, significantly reducing the time required for setup.


Users can tailor clusters to their specific needs. The ability to customise cluster configurations and compute resources ensures that the underlying cloud infrastructure can adapt to various project requirements and workloads.

Standardisation and Consistency

By using predefined templates and cluster plans, organisations can maintain uniform standards across different clusters. This standardisation helps in minimising configuration errors and maintaining consistency in deployments.

Resource Optimisation

Cluster plans and compute templates are designed to optimise resource usage by specifying the appropriate scale and type of virtual machines. This ensures efficient use of resources, leading to cost savings and improved performance.

Integration with Automation

Self-service cluster provisioning can be integrated with Continuous Integration (CI) pipelines, allowing for automated creation and scaling of clusters. This integration enhances the automation of the development and deployment processes, further speeding up workflows.

Reduced Administrative Overhead

Administrators are freed from routine cluster setup tasks, allowing them to focus on more strategic activities. While they retain control over creating cluster plans and templates, the actual provisioning can be initiated by workspace owners or members, distributing the workload.

Enhanced Collaboration

By enabling workspace owners and members to initiate cluster provisioning, collaboration within teams is enhanced. Team members can more easily share and manage infrastructure resources, fostering a collaborative environment.

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