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wf create cluster

wf create cluster

Create a kubernetes cluster in the workspace


Lets you provision a kubernetes cluster in the workspace. The cluster itself is provisioned from a cluster plan and a compute template.

You can view cluster plans available to you by running:

$ wf get clusterplans

You can view compute templates available to you by running:

$ wf get computetemplates

Once the cluster is built, members of your workspace can get access the cluster by running:

$ wf access cluster

wf create cluster [flags]


# Retrieve a list of all the plans available to you:
$ wf get clusterplans

# See the detail of a specific plan:
$ wf get clusterplans <name> --version <version> -o yaml

# See the possible cloud access configuration available to your workspace:
$ wf get cloudaccessconfigs -w my_workspace

# Create a single nonprod cluster named dev:
$ wf -w my_workspace create cluster dev --plan plan_name --plan-version 1.0.0 \
--stage nonprod --cloud-access cloud_access_config_name \
--region cloud_region_name --compute-template compute_template_name

# Create a single nonprod cluster named dev using a compute template from a file:
$ wf -w my_workspace create cluster dev --plan plan_name --plan-version 1.0.0 \
--stage nonprod --cloud-access cloud_access_config_name \
--region cloud_region_name --compute-template-file ./path/to/compute_template.yaml

# Check the status of the cluster named dev:
$ wf -w my_workspace get cluster dev -o yaml

# If you only have the one allocated cloud access config for a cloud provider in your
# workspace you do not need to specify --cloud-access / -a. It will be automatically
# selected for you:
$ wf -w my_workspace create cluster dev --plan gke

# Once the cluster is created, use the access cluster command to use it.
# By default all access to clusters is short-lived, you must assume a set
# of permissions before working with clusters. This will modify
# ${HOME}/.kube/config with the connection details, allowing you to
# use 'kubectl' to interact with it:
$ wf access cluster -w my_workspace


  -a, --cloud-access string            Name of the cloud access config to use for this cluster
-c, --compute-template string The compute template to use for this cluster
-f, --compute-template-file string Use a file for the compute template
-d, --description string A short description for the cluster
--dry-run Shows the cluster but does not apply or create (defaults: false)
-h, --help help for cluster
-o, --output string Will show the cluster resource being created, in the specified format (supports json, yaml)
-p, --plan string Cluster plan that this cluster will use
-v, --plan-version string Cluster plan version that this cluster will use
-r, --region string The region for this cluster
-T, --show-time Shows the time it took to successfully provision a new cluster
-s, --stage string The stage for this cluster

Options inherited from parent commands

      --debug              Debug / trace logging (default: false)
--force Force operation to happen (default: false)
--no-wait Do not wait for resources to provision
--profile string Use a profile other than your current - to change current: wf use profile NAME
--show-headers Display headers on table out (default true)
--verbose Verbose logging (default: false)
-w, --workspace string Workspace to use - to change default: wf use workspace NAME