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wf patch

wf patch

Allows you to patch a resource


Patch allows you to easily modify a single parameter's value on a resource.

Path syntax:

  • Reference an object parameter: spec.configuration.description
  • Reference an array item: spec.configuration.authProxyAllowedIPs.0
  • Append a value to an existing array: spec.configuration.authProxyAllowedIPs.-1

Value syntax:

  • The value is parsed as a JSON value.
  • If you want to set "true" or "false" values as string, you have to use double quotes, e.g. '"true"'.
  • If you want to remove the parameter, either don't provide it or use "null".
wf patch [flags]


# Update the description on a cluster
$ wf patch cluster test spec.configuration.description "My cluster" [-w <workspace>]

# Append a new IP range to authProxyAllowedIPs on a cluster
$ wf patch cluster test spec.configuration.authProxyAllowedIPs.-1 [-w workspace]

# Remove the value
$ wf patch cluster test spec.configuration.authProxyAllowedIPs.0


      --api-version string   Uses the specified API version to perform the edit (only valid where resource has multiple supported API versions)
--force Overrides read-only, ownership and certain validations
-h, --help help for patch
--owner string Sets the owner on the edit to the provided value
--version string If the resource is versioned, sets the version to edit

Options inherited from parent commands

      --debug              Debug / trace logging (default: false)
--no-wait Do not wait for resources to provision
-o, --output string Output format of the resource (json,yaml,table) (default "table")
--profile string Use a profile other than your current - to change current: wf use profile NAME
--show-headers Display headers on table out (default true)
--verbose Verbose logging (default: false)
-w, --workspace string Workspace to use - to change default: wf use workspace NAME


  • wf - CLI interface for Wayfinder