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Peering Rules

Peering rules let you declaratively define how you want the networks you manage to be wired up. These could be those managed by Wayfinder via ClusterNetwork or external/pre-existing networks that you want to hook into.

CLI Quick Reference

InstructionCLI Command
View a list of Peering ruleswf get peeringrules
View the yaml of a Peering rulewf get peeringrules RULE-NAME -o yaml

View Peering Rules

Use the wf get peeringrules command to view a list of peering rules.

NAME               TYPE       AGE
azure-private peering 8d

Use the wf get peeringrule RULE-NAME command with the -o yaml flag to view the output of the yaml file.

wf get peeringrule azure-private -o yaml

kind: PeeringRule
name: azure-private
name: az-peering
namespace: sand
enableAutoApproval: true
account: 12345678-abcd-458d-aa01-0123abcd1234
identifier: /subscriptions/12345678-abcd-458d-aa01-0123abcd1234/resourceGroups/wf-dev-envs-uksouth/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/ws-dev-envs
location: uksouth
type: peering
type: all
# target non-prod clusters with custom label 'clustergroup' with value 'az-private'
- key:
operator: In
- nonprod
matchLabels: azure
clustergroup: az-private

In Wayfinder's web interface:

  • Select Admin, then navigate to Kubernetes > Cluster Networking
  • Select your Cloud Provider e.g., Microsoft Azure
  • Select the Peering Rules tab
  • A list of Peering Rules are displayed

Peering Rule Overview

Create a Peering Rule

In Wayfinder's web interface:

  • Select Admin, then navigate to Kubernetes > Cluster Networking
  • Select the + Peering Rule button
  • Fill in the form as described in the Properties section
  • Click Save

New Peering Rule


The following section outline the properties that you'll need to create a Peering Rule in Wayfinder. These properties are mirrored in the corresponding CRD manifests (in YAML format) generated by Wayfinder. CLI users can refer to the information in this section to understand how the settings from Wayfinder's web interface correlate with the respective YAML files.

Properties common to all providers

Allocated to workspacesThe workspaces for which this peering rule will apply to
- All: Applies to all workspaces
- Specified workspaces: Applies to the workspaces you selected
- Do not allocate: Will not be applied to any workspaces
NameProvide a meaningful name for this Peering Rule. It cannot be changed once you've clicked the save button.
SelectorsNarrow the selection of which clusters this peering rule will apply to by specifying labels that relevant clusters must have in order to be peered.
- ProviderRead only field. Specifies the Cloud Provider for which you're adding this Peering Rule
- Azure
- StagesThe stage(s) for which this peering rule applies to.
- Advanced ModeSwitch the toggle if you want to specify filters for the peering rule. The filters are matched to labels on cluster network resources.
-- Match labelsEnter a label key and the label value on which to match.
You can specify multiple match labels.
-- Match expressionsEnter a match expression key, the condition (In, NotIn, Exists, DoesNotExist) and the values on which the condition applies.
You can specify multiple match expressions.
Cloud AccountThe cloud account that has permission to carry out the tasks required to fulfil peering or gateway attachments. See Cloud Access with access type 'peering'.
TypeThe type of peering this rule applies to
- Peering
- Gateway (AWS only)
Enable auto approvalCheck the box to enable. Determines whether to automatically accept the peering connection on the other end of the peer. This requires a Cloud Access with the correct permissions.
IdentifierThe full resource identify of the virtual network that Wayfinder is peering to.

Properties specific to AWS

AccountThe accout Wayfinder is peering to.
LocationThe region where the network that Wayfinder is peering to exists.
RoutesA collection of network ranges that are expose to the peered networks. Note that the route tables of the source networks are automatically amended to push these subnets down the peered connection.
Enable DNSEnables DNS support via the gateway. Default value is 'true'.
Type must be set to gateway