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wf install deps

wf install deps

Creates or updates the pre-requisite dependencies for Wayfinder in a cluster

wf install deps [flags]


      --aws-ingress-ip-allocation stringArray   For ingress on AWS, specify the ARN of an IP address allocation to use for the load balancer - can be specified multiple times for multiple allocations
--azure-ingress-ip string For ingress on Azure, specify the IP address to use for the load balancer
--azure-resource-group string For ingress on Azure, we need to know the resource group for the IPs to expose
-c, --cloud string Cloud provider the cluster is in (optional, but may be needed for certain dependencies)
--enable-aad-pod-identity Install aad-pod-identity (on Azure clusters only)
--enable-cert-manager Install cert-manager
--enable-ingress Install ingress controller
--gcp-ingress-ip string For ingress on GCP, specify the IP address to use for the load balancer
-h, --help help for deps
--kube-context string kubectl context to install into (defaults to current context)
--non-interactive Do not prompt for user input

Options inherited from parent commands

      --debug              Indicates we should use debug / trace logging (default: false)
--force Used to force an operation to happen (default: false)
--no-wait Indicates we should not wait for resources to provision
-o, --output string Output format of the resource (json,yaml,table,template) (default "table")
--profile string Use a profile other than your default for this command
--show-headers Indicates we should display headers on table out (default true)
--verbose Enables verbose logging for debugging purposes (default: false)
-w, --workspace string The workspace you are operating within


  • wf install - Installs a production grade Wayfinder management plane in the cloud