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How do I create a Workspace Access Token?


What are Workspace Access Tokens?

Wayfinder's Workspace Access Tokens provide a set of access permissions for your CI/CD pipelines to access your cloud resources. The granted permissions are isolated to the application's workload for the stated workspace and environment.

CLI commands

Creating a workspace access token is a two-step process:

  1. Create the token
  2. Assign access roles that'll give the token access to clusters and namespaces in your workspace.

Here's the details:

FORMAT to create the token:

wf create workspaceaccesstoken TOKEN-NAME


Wayfinder Create a Workspace Access Token
wf create workspaceaccesstoken wf-app1deploy


In the above example you've created a workspace access token called app1-token.

FORMAT to assign an access role (i.e. permissions to access a cluster/namespace) to an access token.

wf assign accessrole --workspace-access-token TOKEN-NAME --role ROLENAME --cluster CLUSTERNAME --namespace NAMESPACE


Wayfinder assign access roles to a Workspace Access Token
wf assign accessrole --workspace-access-token wf-app1deploy --role cluster.deployment-readonly  --cluster aks-2eqk9
wf assign accessrole --workspace-access-token wf-app1deploy --role cluster.deployment --cluster aks-2eqk9
wf assign accessrole --workspace-access-token wf-app1deploy --role namespace.deployment --cluster aks-2eqk9 --namespace app1-demo1


In the above example you've granted wf-app1deploy token with cluster/namespace access role permissions as follow:

  • cluster.deployment-readonly: Cluster-wide read access to resources required for namespace deployments using access tokens
  • cluster.deployment: Provision standard resources for access token deployments to any namespace in a cluster
  • namespace.deployment: Provisioning standard resources to a namespace for access token deployments

FORMAT to assign Wayfinder role to an access token, giving access to Wayfinder itself.

wf assign wayfinderrole --workspace-access-token TOKEN-NAME --role ROLENAME


Wayfinder assign access roles to a Workspace Access Token
wf assign wayfinderrole --workspace-access-token wf-app1deploy --role workspace.appdeployer 
wf assign wayfinderrole --workspace-access-token wf-app1deploy --role workspace.appmanager


In the above example you've granted wf-app1deploy wayfinder role access permissions as follow:

  • workspace.appdeployer: Deploy applications via Wayfinder
  • workspace.appmanager: Create, update and delete applications and their environments

Web Interface Instructions


Create a Workspace Access Token for CI/CD pipeline

Access Token - New

View Wayfinder variables and their values

Access Token - Usage


  • Expand Workspaces > Your-Workspace-Name, and then navigate to Settings
  • Select the Access Token's tab
  • Click the + Access Token button
  • Provide the name for the workspace access token e.g., wf-app1deploy
  • Provide a description
  • Under Assign Wayfinder Roles tick:
    • workspace.appdeployer
    • workspace.appmanager
      The above roles grants the workspace access token permissions to create ephemeral application environments and deploy to them on the PR preview cluster.
  • Click the Save button
  • Under Cluster Roles create:
    • cluster.deployment-readonly
    • cluster.deployment
    • namespace.deployment
External Action

Take note of the variables (WAYFINDER_TOKEN, WAYFINDER_WORKSPACE and WAYFINDER_SERVER) and their corresponding values. You will need it for your GitHub workflow variables.

What comes next?