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How do I create an Application?


What are Applications?

In Wayfinder, Applications encapsulate the elements that make up your application's deployment. Create an application using Wayfinder's CLI or Wayfinder's web interface.

CLI Commands


wf create application APP-NAME -w WORKSPACE --cloud CLOUD-PROVIDER


Wayfinder Create an Application
wf create application app1 -w sand2 --cloud azure


In the above example, you've created an application called app1. You've specified that it should be in the sand2 workspace and you've linked it to your Azure cloud account.

Web Interface Instructions


Create an Application

Create Application

View your Application (which is currently empty)

Empty Application


  • Expand Workspaces > Your-Workspace-Name, and then navigate to Applications
  • Click the Create Application button
  • Fill in the details on the modal and click the Create application button
  • Your application is listed in the Application's table
  • Click on your application's name (e.g. 'app1') to open your Application

What comes next?


Why aren't there any cloud accounts/subscriptions/projects listed when I create an Application?

Your administrator must make a cloud account, subscription or project available to your workspace and stage. See Configuration.