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How do I create an Environment using existing Infrastructure?


What are Environments in Wayfinder?

You need to tell Wayfinder which environment (cluster) will host your application.

In this guide you're choosing existing infrastructure which means that the cluster already exists.

Note that this step is optional in: Deploy your App using GitHub and Wayfinder

CLI Commands


wf create appenv --app APP-NAME --env ENV-NAME --cluster CLUSTER-NAME --stage STAGE


Wayfinder Create an Environment
wf create appenv --app app1 --env demo1 --cluster aks-2eqk9 --stage nonprod


In the above example, you've created an environment called demo1 and specified that it is part of the existing app1 application in the nonprod stage. You've further specified to use existing infrastructure (aks-2eqk9 cluster).

Web Interface Instructions

Environment - Existing Infra


  • Expand Workspaces > Your-Workspace-Name, and then navigate to Applications
  • Select your Application
  • Click the Step 3 - Create and Environment OR +Create > Environment button
  • Fill in the details:
    • Provide a name for your environment e.g. demo1
    • Use existing: Select one of the existing environments. Wayfinder will create a new label on an existing cluster, so your environment will be isolated from other environments on the cluster.
  • Click the Create Environment button

What comes next?

Deploy your App using Wayfinder (without CI/CD):

Deploy your app with GitHub integration:


Why aren't there any environments to choose from?

Your Wayfinder administrator needs to make environments available to you using Cluster Plans. See Configuration.