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Self-Service Cluster Provisioning Cloud Details

< details | self-service cluster creation workflow Self-Service clusters Create Details


Your administrator has configured Cloud Access details for your cloud provider, which grants Wayfinder with the necessary permissions to create and manage Kubernetes clusters. You must select a cloud provider, the region, and the corresponding cloud account, subscription or project in which to create the cluster.

[ADMINS]: If the desired cloud provider is not listed, configure a Cloud Access with the access type set to "Kubernetes Cluster Provisioning."

📚 For more details on key points, refer to the overview section.
📚 Explore the properties section for additional information on each UI property.

CLI Instructions

Create a new self-service cluster

Follow the instructions in the details section.

Web Interface Instructions


  • Select your Cloud Provider
  • Select a Region
  • Select your AWS Account, Azure Subscription or GCP Project
  • Click Continue to proceed

Also see the properties section for more information about each UI field.


Create Compute Template - cloud


Cloud ProviderThe Cloud Provider in which to create the cluster. Select one.
- Amazon Web Services (EKS)
- Microsoft Azure (AKS)
- Google Cloud (GKE)
RegionThe region in which to create the cluster.
Account/Subscription/ProjectThe AWS Account, Azure Subscription or GCP Project in which to create the cluster.

What comes next?