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Self-Service Cluster Provisioning Compute Details

< cloud | self-service cluster creation workflow Self-Service clusters Compute


Before configuring your self-service cluster, it's important to understand the basics about the different specifications and what you can change:

  1. Cluster Plans and Compute Templates
    • The self-service cluster's configuration is determined by a cluster plan. This plan outlines the cluster specifications, network settings, bootstrap packages, and other advanced cloud provider-specific configurations.
    • A compute template specifies the node pool configuration for your cluster.

  1. Preconfigured Plans and Templates
    • Administrators have preconfigured and made the necessary cluster plans and compute templates available to your workspace.
    • Use the descriptions and available information to inform your decisions on which ones to use.

  1. Using the Cluster Plans and Compute Templates
    • You cannot modify the specifics of the cluster plan itself.
    • You have the flexibility to configure your compute instances as needed based on the provided compute templates.
      • Edit the node pool configuration by clicking on the pencil icon.
      • Add as many node pools as you need, or choose to have none at all.

CLI Instructions

Create a new self-service cluster

Follow the instructions in the details section.

Web Interface Instructions


  • Select a cluste plan:
    • Click the +Cluster Plan button and select one of the available cluster plans.
    • Click the Select button.
  • Select a node pool configuration:
    • Click the +Compute Template button and select one of the available compute templates.
    • Click the Select button.
  • Click the Continue button if you're happy with your node pool configuration.


Self-Service clusters Compute

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